Henry (Part 2)

Go out. What a clown.

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Wow, she is really letting Henry have it from both barrels

What a right fucked up situation, Henry fucking Mira all night and now arguing like fuck.
Just a while ago he was straight out of bed and all over the other woman :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I don’t think these two are completely ok in the head sometimes, they certainly ain’t rational.
Now Mira’s left the apartment, what a fucked up mess.

Can’t show it unfortunately but around 22:47 Henry hit Mira in the face again. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Henry just hit Mira again a few minutes ago! :rage:

Well, Mira left the building

More fighting
Mira in the gf’s face
more clothes removed from the app as she is shown the door.

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Henry hat sie eben wieder geschlagen. Der Alkoholiker

To late in our opinon ! She had to leave him much earlier !

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Henry has crossed the line, not even his fanboys can defend this disgusting behavior

Mira is angry


Langsam wird es lÀcherlich , wenn vht ihn nicht Raussschmeisst habt ihr ein Kunden weniger schÀmt euch !!

IMO this relationship that “started” last night was an ongoing relationship
a new girl would have been out of there as soon as Mira showed up. Henry was also very protective of her against Mira.

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Not defending, but Mira attacked first.

Noch blöder ist die Frau die immer noch bei ihn ist !!

Stay with it, it’s about in the 22:47+ minute

b___dy hell you all moan about wanting real life and not scripted life and when you get it you scream for b___d , make up your minds FFS

As a man you don’t hit a woman :rage: