Henry (Part 2)

I bet she might hit some unexpected notes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Which is probably why VH havenā€™t taken any action against them as they were in on it as well.

Why do you think so? :thinking:

If was (Blondie ) 4 the Woman to do the jobā€¦ Mira would have come back in 1 hour

But that doesnā€™t mean it necessarily has to be bad. :joy: :rofl: :joy:

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Quite possible, since after Mira had slapped her butt red, Blondie Ardesia was more interested in Mira than Henry as it seemed. :joy: :joy:

Canā€™t imagine anything bad coming out from her :laughing:

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But probably into her. :grin:

Why ruining our fantasies now? :joy:

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Bait GIF

Donā€™t fall for it so easily :slight_smile:

Well Iā€™m pleased to see that Mira hasnā€™t gone away and delighted to see her back doing what she does so well. In terms of entertainment, which after all is what they and we are here for, hopefully M & H will continue as ( IMHO ) one of the best apartments on VHTV - and they have done so well to keep that going for so long!

Well lets just say if it had been anybody else they would probably have been kicked out by now. or an extremely big fine especially after half wrecking the loggia door.
But hey ho such is life eh. :roll_eyes:

Henry needs to pat that redhead on the ass and tell here got plans this weekend, you dont have to go home but you cant stay here. she showed up to pack, dont stop now

Glad to see you keeping your employees in line then, mustnā€™t reveal too much eh :laughing:

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Hey @jabbath1987 when Miraā€™s name going back up then or are you still tied to the secrets act :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Makes absolutely no sense. Of course, itā€™s VHTV and THE couple

Maybe H&M called Kostja & Indira and asked for ideas on a dramatic storyline lol

I find it interesting that Mira has no visible scratches while Henry had his elbow wrapped with visible b___d (ketchup) showing. Will she stay or will she go. That is the question that none of us know. At 14:49 they are on the loggia and Henry is refusing Miraā€™s attempts at kisses. Just turns his head away

Yes, in the past there have been times they have split and get back together. Is it a publicity stunt to get more viewers? Look at the number of posts. Good marketing for VHTV for sure even if it turns out differently that it is now