Henry (Part 2)

VHTV anything to update on house status?

She’s known him for some time and knows how he behaves and they should agree on that
She seemed happy yesterday even though he was touching and kissing Pia

I for once logged on early today. Gerda was up and they seemed to get along. Then they
had some kind of argument and Henry left quietly. Then hell broke loose. Alida and Kano turned up
after Gerda had been on the phone yelling.

Is Gerda s___ping in Alida’s livingroom?

Must admit that was pissing me off a bit but then she is quite aware of what he is like so up to her really what she is prepared to accept.

From what we have seen jalousie might not the problem normally with her. She had her share
of guys. I think its the pharmacy she carries with her (legal in printed boxes)mixed with
a_____l and little s___p that sets her off. JMO

No looks like it’s Chyna.

Maybe, but would depend on what she is on i suppose but then not many meds like a_____l if any. :joy:

And Chyna is not exactly known for being exposedly unreserved, to put it that way. Even though I have said that before. :slight_smile:

Maybe Henry can disable the stream - but can he delete a realm? Don’t think so.

Maybe Chyna is one of the very few who has a brain in her head and does use it.
Most others brains seem to be in the lower regions :joy:
She obviously doesn’t want to be fucked by every Tom, Dick and Harry and i respect her for that.
I am quite happy seeing her in her naked state every now and then and she is comfortable with that which is her choice.
She has a lovely body by the way :hugs:

Absolutely lovely body in my opinion. And I respect her for the choices she herself makes, of course. :hugs:

Got dizzy trying to catch up on all the comments here…Soooooo…Why is the apartment down this time?.. :grin:

What happened now… they don’t give any information
Every 3 weeks something happens in this Realm
It looks like something happened to Gerda

Seems someone did something which it may consider a V_______n I am sure the manager will straighten things out & Realm it will show again soon

Maybe the Manager is the reason this realm is down. Causes chaos then leaves. Maybe he has gone to visit Mira off line for his bit of fun because he can not cope. Great - All we see is chaos and not Mira. She should have her own real and invite her friends ?

I think Mira is tired too… She is having some health problems you can tell by how much weight she has lost. So she prefers to stay out and come to see Henry every while I think this is how they have agreed to do it May be because of problems she can’t have sex every day and that’s how Gerda solves the problem, But Gerda seems to have some problems also

its so funny how the most interesting thing in the appt. happens when its offline.

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Was at Trisha’s till 2045 last night

Even Henrys videos in voyuer video have gone