Henry (Part 2)

wonder whos on the menu tonight . an old faithful lay or a new chalange ?

I think he’s just spent the day as___p with Mira and now he’s having a date night with her. He can only last so long before he starts to realise what he’s losing. You can see how upset he gets when she visits, they both have to get through the arguments and move forward. Until next :laughing:

Just Jabs trying to be clever and seem intelligent :joy:

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Perhaps just nothiing? :roll_eyes:

Henry You got Yourself beautiful Lady God Bless You !!

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Yep, another sucker for the meat grinder :joy: :joy: :joy:

Well he’s using the famous tried and tested hand smoothing technique and beer in the other :joy:

Been here before?

She hasn’t but will soon learn one way or the other :joy:

Seems to know what she is here for and getting prepared, cute figure i must admit.
Liked a little play to the cams though. :joy:
Think she may have done this before :joy: :joy: :joy:
Henry is probably on a winner with this one.

it keeps the views up , he needs them :joy: :joy: :joy:

he will look at his phone next to see how he is doing :rofl:

Toes first tonight :joy:

the question is how much did he paid for her :joy:

So this girl is the newest on Henrys list? I suppose she is Jane Doe for now? No name yet? :slight_smile: :hugs:

Well neither of them are in any hurry to get on with it lol.
Both still clothed too though she has taken her pantyhose off. :roll_eyes:
We in the UK would call these “Tights”

Yeah luckily I know exactly what tights are from before. The only thing I can see is that the tights are still on then. :wink: :slight_smile: :hugs: