Henry (Part 2)

Yes i think it is.

the party goes into the next round :laughing:

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

i see Mr jabs is in interfering mode again :laughing:

This lady should reduce a_____l a___e otherwise there will be injuries at some point


Well, Mr Jabs is Mr Jabs. That is the only thing I want to say about that. :hugs:

Unfortunately most junkies end up the same way, sad but true.

That’s why we watch this channel. It could definitely happen that
if Gerda has the wrong psynapse setting,
Henry turns off the lights while he s___ps.

But it seems like Gerda is upset about yesterday!
Henry just fucks everything.

I wonder where Palmer found Gerda? Is she related to him?

Henry always seems to have a ‘hideout’ with no cameras… he had one when he was in (now) Alida’s apartment, which we now know as the wardrobe. :upside_down_face:

Poor old bugger all alone with his beer :joy:

I wish I had that answer. I just don’t know

Somehow that is quite a familiar picture, apart from the sitting s___ping. :hugs:

Despite everything, it was good that he brought the very battered alida home. :+1:

Missed that, what was up with Alida then?

She seemed very _____, with very strong mood swings. Henry brought her home, which I thought was very good. before this degenerates further

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Think it already has :sweat_smile:

Must be sudden winter over there then :sweat_smile:

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