Henry (Part 2)

A supplied girl by Palmer brought in to do a job, must be an expensive hire :laughing:

Why is it that Henry suddenly stands solo in the apartment list at realm 18? :hugs:

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I was wondering if Mira had another seizure and just needs to take some time off to get back to normal!

we got used to it because no one is interested

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Shouldn’t you be a more careful with your accusations here? You did not learn a thing obviously while you were on “f___ed vacation” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Is that so? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just pointless speculations. Like always from you.


Mira is separated

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Ok, thank you for that. :hugs:



Respect to get any clear photos of her under these conditions. I leave the honor to you now to name her :+1:

looks like Isidor and Cinderella

Perhaps the correct term is an escort, hang on though perhaps not as that’s an old banger, of a car :laughing:

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Ah yes that’s the one, an old banger :laughing:

Anybody else noticed the glass of the loggia door broken?