Harmony (2024)

No problem, I’m sorry, I thought as we were both responding to Adyern’s comment. He was part of the conversation.

:heart: Is everywhere to them knocked out :s___ping:


It’s great to see Emma having fun with Harmony and Helli at Aderyn place and here too hope Helli feels better :pray:
I’m calling them the triple threat of beauty :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


He’s a lucky fucker thats why

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Until she finds her a true boyfriend because sorry to say but he is fwb


Unusual for you to insult Aderyn! Please don’t.

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I didn’t insult Adyren! I was just accused of doing so by someone who either has a very poor sense of humor or has difficulty understanding sarcasm. I made a joke about Adyern’s actions, but I NEVER intended it to be considered a serious insult…

My comment was based off of Kade’s video. He posted a picture of Aderyn trying to make out with Hella and her squirming away. I thought it was funny.

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No I don’t suppose you did but it could be. Just something to bear in mind, that’s all. :slight_smile:

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It’s just drama caused by someone that doesn’t like my comments. I literally asked Hella if Aderyn’s cooties made her sick?

Cooties is an imaginary disease that c___dren are afraid of getting from touching someone from the opposite sex. How any grown adult can’t understand a comment about catching cooties isn’t serious is beyond me… :unamused:

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I will admit that YES I am familiar with the term. Just seeing it used here took me by surprise, that’s all.

I will say no more on the subject.


Fair enough, it was a silly joke. I was honestly surprised it was made into such a big deal!


I am sorry I did so. It’s just that it’s Aderyn and I find myself going into protective mode where he is concerned, even though he himself may choose not to be that way (he’s a ‘tough cookie’ and I know he’d say something but only IF he felt the need). :slight_smile:


Usually everything that’s written here, others don’t like.
Does everyone have to please everyone else?
If someone writes something that someone else doesn’t like, they’re called a troll. :thinking:


Very true, although I must say, I definitely don’t consider @NotSeth a troll. :slight_smile:

I suspect even he would agree, he’s someone with whom I just exchange a different point of view, from time to time.


im not one to defend @NotSeth ,but i saw the humour in that reply about the cootie , it seems to me we have become oblivious to each others sense of humour , my sense of humour can be dry to ,but i think people just accept me coz im a silly old fool , can we all just try to drop the facepalm and thumbs down emojis as they always seem to be a trigger for conflict, i think all you guys are cool and funny as fuk in your own unique ways


SLEEPING BEAUTYS :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Unfortunately our Community Leader seems to be the one giving them out the most lately. A community leader should be setting the forum standard not following it. If they can’t follow your suggestion the likely hood of others to follow you suggestion sadly seems very slim…


That imho is a quality of a healthy forum community and something I respect about you. We don’t all have to be sheep and all share the same opinion/views. Currently there seems to be a very low tolerance for people who have different views on things.


MAYBE , that is the intention ? to cause conflict in the ranks . i really dont see how something that can cause so much conflict can remain part of the forums arsenal . those 2 emojis need to be removed if we are to have a peace and (HARMONY ) :arrow_left: this is what we should be discussing


Can we all PLEASE take the time to see the irony/humor in the subject at hand. A bunch of grown ass adults debating the offensiveness of cooties.

:see_no_evil: :rofl: :rofl:

lisa simpson cooties GIF