Harmony (2024)

Even though @Harmony and @Helli are now alone in bed, they made the right decision. :heart:


I myself prefer to watch ordinary people that creates a real connection, real feelings and passionate sex. That’s why I’m here and not on all kinds of other sites. Inviting new people every time and trying to create situations that will attract viewers is not interesting and it creates problems. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.

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Nobody is stopping you to watch ordinary people who have real connections, real passionate sex and feelings (there are apartments who offer exactly that). The girls here are definitely NOT that kind of apartment and they don’t have any intention to be. This is what you, and some few others, need to understand. Trying to impose something on them, will only make it worse for them and for you

I’m just expressing my opinion and no one is f_____g anyone to do what they don’t want. I’m here because I like these girls specifically. The fact that I hope there will be a change here for the better and I am not always satisfied with what I see, does not mean that I should or should not watch this apartment.

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I completely understand you, in fact, i am here to watch the exact same things as you described. But, again, this apartment is not that kind of apartment and there is no point in trying to change the girls behaviour with our comments (more or less manipulative)


Didn’t you say you was sick of the single female apartments and it was the worst idea the managers came up with since you joined the site? :joy:

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К сожалению нам попадаются много парней которые не понимают слова нет , я очень мягкая девушка и когда мне что-то не приятно я пытаюсь донести это мягко, чтобы не обидеть человека и тд. Но как я вижу этим только все пользуются. Я стараюсь изменить эту черту в себе , чтобы не происходили те не приятные моменты :pleading_face:


Мы стараемся найти хороших парней , ласку, заботу , но к сожалению таких парней мы еще не встретили . Мы находимся в незнакомом нам городе тем самым мы только ищем знакомства


It takes time. Always go with your gut feelings to stay safe :wink:


I know you are a sweet caring lady but,
You need to show your angry kangaroo self with those guys!

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Take ur time don’t rush we just want u and Helli happy and enjoy yourselves and just seeing u and Helli is enough for me :hugs: always :100:


Aderyn is always welcome too… :heart:


Actually, the scripted things isn’t exactly my opnion. It’s the opnion of the honky man (john 78 ) here who thinks he knows everything. :rofl:


Aderyn is perfect he’s one of my favs and it’s always a pleasure to see him :hugs::100:


We all have a soft spot for Aderyn

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Busya gets an A+ in the pussy-cam training!


You dont know what girls told them. It was obvious they came for some sex/party, they also looked pissed when they left and Helli did some “explaining” in the hall.

Most guys want a little bit more then just sit on couch with shirt off when girls invite them, i dont blame them.

Rather have those guys then this Adryan guy, i dont know why but he annoys me…

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@Mr.X , @Carson226644
Let’s see when you both notice that your Adryan is actually called Aderyn… the year is still young and I haven’t completely given up hope yet :wink:

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fixed :rofl: it

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Everyone called him Adryan here, thats why…
Its funny you guys talk bad about manipulative here on forum but thats exactly how I feel with him.

He acts like their brother/friend but also wants a sexual relationship. First with Harmony alone but lately also with Helli. Then he goes to other houses and messes with girls there. he’s making girls have feelings for him which is strange toxic manipulative behaviour.

If you want a relationship go for it. If you want sex alone go for it. But he gives them feelings which is probably why we didnt see action last night with the other guys… ruins the house and concept of it…

Ill stop posting looking at the downvotes, I guess most of you like him which is OK. I just have a different opinion and tohught we could discuss it here but ill remain silent and not cause a fight :wink: