'guest guy/girl' more and more often instead of names in the archive? Why?

Hello everyone,

I rarely go to the archives, but I’ve recently noticed a bad habit: I keep seeing saved videos with ‘guest guy’ or ‘guest girl’ in the name of the video, even though these guests have long since been given names in the forum. With R36 Rissa, for example, this applies Winnetou (Watch Sex Rissa & Guest guy sex, Nov-21-2023 | Naked people with Rissa in Bedroom | The biggest Voyeur Videos gallery), at R89 Edrym&Roza it is Gabi (https://voyeur-house.tv/ moments/realm89/cam15/roza-guest-guy-sex-2-nov-20-2023), at R33 Harmony it is Helli and Jonno (https://voyeur-house.tv/moments/realm33/cam19/harmony- guests-fooling-around-2-nov-19-2023), at R92 Liya Anomallia it is Davie, Liza, Carlson (https://voyeur-house.tv/moments/realm92/cam18/liya-anomalia-guests-sexy -naked-party-nov-21-2023), at R27 Fox it’s Smith (Watch Sex Fox & Guest guy bedroom sex, Nov-12-2023 | Naked people with Fox, Xavier in Bedroom | The biggest Voyeur Videos gallery ), at R81 Ally, Lelya Mult it is Lissa and Tim (Watch Sex Guests bedroom sex, Nov-19-2023 | Naked people with Ally, Lelya Mult in Bedroom 2nd floor | The biggest Voyeur Videos gallery). and these are just a few examples…

Sometimes I’m too much of a perfectionist, if there’s an order, I’d like to see it everywhere, i.e. in the tags, in the video names, etc. But what’s currently being created in the archive is, at best, just sloppiness, which can hardly be seen afterwards can be remedied without much effort. But if this becomes more widespread, the archive will become a wasteful heap in the long term, which will become increasingly difficult to use properly…

@kaya, @VHTV_James, (I’m not allowed to mention the operators group, which is also in demand here):
I thought the names given by the community were used, among other things, to be able to search specifically in the archive. So why aren’t these names and tags always used? Is there intention behind it? and if so, which one? and if not, can this be fixed somehow?


Moments operators are volunteers saving videos on free basis. Currently there is no obligation to use every guest name given by community. Saving tons of videos, learning by heart/checking every single guest name in the archive may take too much of their precious personal time they spend to save content for community.

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I see. But shouldn’t be quality over quantity? What are those videos for when people can’t find them looking for specific guests?

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The only way for exact names to appear at VHTV Moments videos is for guests to become Participants. You may have noticed “guest guys & girls” start being “Name1 & Name2” as soon as they become VHTV Participants.

It should and we will seek tools & ways to make it easier for community operators to capture moments with better quality in terms of timing & meta information.

Those are not videos of excellent quality, that’s what those are. We do love them anyway and are very grateful for Operators work & time committed to make it happen.

Should you decide to help us with Archive Moments, as well as help us improve meta information of existing videos, I invite you to join our team of Operators, where internal discussions happen and such actions could be coordinated efficiently.

What happens at VHTV Commuinty relates to VHTV Community first. This rarely applies to VHTV Main as those are affiliated, yet quite disconnected experiences from each other. There is no technical way to sync guest names at VHTV Forum with VHTV Moments names right now and in short-time future too.

The methods I mentioned above could also be publicly accessible tools for VHTV Subscribers to be able to suggest edits to the videos they see at VHTV Moments section, with consecutive semi-automatic confirmation & verification for edits to become publicly visible. Something like wiki-style of community efforts.

There are bigger problems with VHTV Moments meta data besides of guests names, but I believe we will eventually make Moments better and better in terms of users experience.


I checked and can confirm this. I recognize the ones I did and I always try my best to use names and tag them properly. That does by no means imply that I am perfect.

I agree of it being very confusing. Especially when you want to follow some action happening and then there are “breaks” in the video column because one or more of them does not have proper tags on it. I will take Rissa for example here as when you filter for tag “Winnetou” you will miss some of the sex there.
I sometimes get PMs from people asking where to find moment xy as there is no name tag applied to the specific video.
These are my two cents to that.

Re-tagging videos will be a big effort especially seeing the whole amount and also there are coming more of them with missing tags each day. So I do not think that will be possible.

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I agree to that. It takes a certain time to add people to the Wiki and also look them up. To help a bit with that we have a certain topic in the section for operators where new given names can be looked up to help things a bit. However as said before there can’t be any f___e to the operators looking in there or even using the forums at all. The tool to save videos does not require the forums. So if you do not check the forums you won’t know what is going on considering names and tags.
That is just the current situation.
Saying that I am happy to do my best to help improving this situation but again I am not perfect too. Sometimes I mess up too using wrong names. :rofl::see_no_evil:

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I honestly believe we could re-tag everything correctly with time, starting with internal Operators efforts, and maybe introducing public suggestions, which will be reinf___ed with each correct input. Something like user’s reports work at forum. The more reports are verified as valid by moderation team, the bigger user’s score for future reports is here. This would make it easy for the most loyal/caring & accurate people at VHTV to be able to improve massive amounts of data quickly & with appropriate quality.

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I like this idea. This uses swarm intelligence and does not dramatically increase the effort for the operators…

thanks for the offer. I might think about that when I feel like I’m a really useful member of this group. For the moment, I think I’m concentrating on too few apartments and don’t really have an overview of all of them… but that’s what would be necessary to be able to be really productive… at least that’s my impression. I don’t want to put myself in a position and then not be helpful enough

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You mean some kind of collective intelligence? Well that could work. Saying that and we do this effort and let’s say we have 20% or even 30% of the videos tagged with “wrong” names in the end it will be still better than having no names at all.

But before doing this it should be made sure that no more videos with no tags are added otherwise it will be like Don Quichote fighting against the windmills.

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I will tell you that I do not concentrate on all apartments too. This is simply impossible with the amount of places we have. So specializing on some places does not hurt at all. The more operators we are the more places we get covered.

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I understand that but surely that’s what moment operators have signed up to do? They know this beforehand surely?

If moment operators are not willing to look at the forum then is being a moment operator really the right thing for them to be doing?

They all know about this section in the forum. But there is no obligation to check there or use the forums at all.

I do not know. I think that is a personal decision of each of them. Speaking for me how I do it, it would be pretty much impossible without the forums.

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@VHTV_James maybe this can be a way in the future? If the system detects a video with the tags Guest, guest girl. or guest guy it could be moved to a certain section where like you said swarm intelligence (For example all TL3s and upwards) have the opportunity for let’s say another 48 hours to suggest tags for it?

Isn’t that pretty much what you suggested?

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I suggested something similar but simplier (to add some permission to just add tags to others videos) sometimes in future when it’s possible. I know one man who could tag every single video from all of these years sooner or later :upside_down_face:


If you extend my day to 48 hours and make sure the beer supply doesn’t stop ahahaha :joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Either a longer day OR beer… you can’t do a good enough job when you’re _____ :wink: :rofl:

I sometimes need it to get the head free and think better. I don’t _____ much at all. But it’s handy to have it. Especially if doing it I won’t have time anymore to go shopping :joy::joy: I would have to rely on care packages from VHTV :rofl::rofl:

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From my point of view is that isn’t even close to being feasible at times, if you take the time to make the moment then add the time to research everyone one in that moment who you don’t know, I can tell you that this can easily become a steep uphill battle.
For example say I was to save a moment in Harmonys apartment and I don’t know just say only 1 person from the group, now I check wiki and don’t find them then try scrolling through Harmonys forum thread which could easily have had 50, 60 or 100 plus comments added since my last visit only to find no name or missed it in the sea of comments.

Hopefully this gives an idea of what a monumental task it can be if only one person from one scene can be. Now if you add multiple scenes from different apartments and multiple more people then you now have an idea how things can escalate.

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I just checked and all guests visiting Harmony are listed in the Wiki. But I agree it can be hard sometimes. That is where our section for operators is for to ask :wink: Or you can always PM me about it :kissing_heart:

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I wasn’t being literal, I was only using Harmony name as an example because she was the first name to pop i my head. :wink: