Girl power!

Hello everyone. As I introduced myself the other day, I’m Amber. I’m here today to ask if there are many women on the forum. Unfortunately in the collective u_________s is associated adult entertainment with “only men enjoy sex scenes or voyeurism” (in this case), so I’m glad to participate in this “interesting” exchange and take out the prejudice installed by many people.
Good night!


Ashleyxyz who is sometimes active in the other CC forum is definitely woman. Not sure how many women actively post here.


Hi and good to hear from you Amber, although I’m afraid to say I’m male :thinking: :grinning: Hope you manage to contact other women on the site ( and there are certainly some ) and get a female perspective on events going - it would undoubtedly be refreshing and probably more soundly based! :laughing:

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Thank you for your response. I hope there will be more women in the forum, although I know it is not usual; for the time being I have a lot of fun reading them and, by the way, I show my own perspective, always with respect and without prejudice.
See you soon :slight_smile:

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Yep, seen that! Great and looking forward to seeing more!


I’m glad that i’m not the only one. :hugs:



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