
Я сказал что бы ты был повнимательнее, ведь ты обиделся на шутку которую написали в твой адрес. Но почему то ты решил выместить зло на мне и пытаешься меня задеть. Зачем?

That is incorrect. I thought the joke was hilarious. I wish more people could crack jokes with each other like that. Teasing and making jokes is good for the heart.:blush:

My big hearted friend. Please don’t take things so personally. I like you and I like Harmony. I wish you could see that.

The card game started again in the living room. Let’s see what will happen this time. because it was the first meeting

Why are the cameras so light confused?


Я думаю, что разумно перестать говорить о Хармони, хотя некоторым она нравится, а другим нет, мы, кажется, забываем, что ее нет и она живет своей жизнью, и, возможно, мы больше ее не увидим. Теперь мы увидим, как @Xavier и Fox пытаются узнать друг друга и построить совместную жизнь, и если мы будем всегда говорить о ней, по моему мнению, мы только навредим себе и паре. и что мы можем сделать, так это пожелать им удачи и сделать то, что мы умеем делать лучше всего. Наблюдать!


You see that is what makes me so sad. Excalibur used to be a mighty great sword. Around Fox he has turned into a dagger. A small side arm… :pensive:

Harmony would always make Excalibur grow. While Fox seems to make Excalibur shrink.

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The realm is still called. Xavier & Harmony. Do not turn your back on her so easily. When her name is removed from the realm title. Then we can mourn the great loss. :sob:

In case you didn’t notice her name is still on apartment realm identification, so that means she is still part of this apartment and project participant. So until that situation changes, it’s kind of normal people ask/talk about her

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You forgot how you started to walk. 1 set at each time! Let them no each other, let @Xavier forget the other, what we are doing aint helping Excalibur! Not easy for in as it would not be for us. And a name is just a name!

Verdade. Mas nos ja sabemos da situação. Xavier ja mencionou, acho que nao vale a pena mecher na mesma coisa. So por 1 nome num titulo, que a meu ver nao tarda vai desaparecer. @Flora trata disso!

We agree on something. What a special day this is! :hugs: :blush: :kissing_closed_eyes:

А ты забавный, выдаешь подколы за шутки. Мне не приятно, не делай так.

Maybe I am miss understanding you. Are you telling me what I can and can’t say? I will not tell you what to say. As a man I would hope you will give me the same respect.

Are we certain of the translation?

*Don’t worry, there’s always a fool, good luck and love with Fox

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I am not. That is why I asked @Xavier for clarification.

The comment of mine you quoted was replying to @Sparkles not Xavier. Not sure why you put my quote with Xavier’s…