
Well dont understant or dont no why @Xavier aint going for it! With the last girl that he was on the bedroom that @Harmony let in bad he was more in the girl.them on Fox. Starting to beleave that @Sparkles was right. This is a show and he still is whith Harmony. He on the couche and the girl is like waiting as she called for in and he sending sms and pictures. Just dont understand…

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And looks like she was crying.

@Xavier can you tell us why is Fox sad and crying?:cry::cry:

Я прочитал абсолютно ВСЕ ВАШИ КОММЕНТАРИИ.
С момента появления Fox я тоже читал. Могу сказать некоторые вещи. Нет, это не игра на камеру, мы стараемся жить дальше после всего что было у нас обоих в жизни. Мне тяжело по причинам которые вы поймете в очень ближайшее время, ей тяжело из-за личных причин, но мы живем дальше истираемся не стоять на месте. Дайте нам время привыкнуть друг к другу и обстоятельствам которые у нас сложились. Немного терпения и возможно вы дождетесь чего хотели. Я всегда честен перед вами! Слышал вам не понравилось что Fox пряталась когда переодевалась, я поговорил с ней, надеюсь ванна с её участием вас утешила. Всем спасибо за внимание, я люблю вас :heart:


Спасибо @xavier за ответ. Я всегда утверждал, что это было реально, и если вы прочтете дальше, по этой ситуации будет референдум, теперь, очевидно, у нас есть мнения, основанные только на том, что мы видим и что, кажется, передает нам то, что я хочу, чтобы вы были очень счастливы, потому что вы заслужила это и вроде бы она отличная девушка, гораздо лучше.Трудно найти. Теперь, передав эту информацию, становится ясно и мы понимаем ситуацию, со временем все разрешится. Подарите ей вкусняшки, которые она заслуживает :wink:

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Much better :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:


Do you know if Harmony is comming back?
she left for ever?
I love see harmony

I feel bad for poor, sweet, wonderful @Harmony. I hope you have not abandoned her… :pensive: :sob: :sob:

Don’t worry, big boy. Most of us are with you, and with everything that is going on, it is clear that you need your time and reflection. Think carefully, listen to your heart and your mind. Be honest with the girls, explain your fears to them and listen to theirs.

Everything will be fine.

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You will see @Harmony dont worry, you see her soon @harmony on @Queen for a gang bang, that what they good at lol

I agree with you on this. Harmony and Queen are the same type of women. They are perfect entertaining the VHTV viewers. :hugs:

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Don’t lie. Life is messy. Almost never is life 100% fine. Xavier is a man he doesn’t need to be fed fairytales. He will be ok eventually, but I do not see it being an easy journey for him to get there.

Nobody said it will be easy.

You said it would be fine. Is anything in life ever really 100% fine? Personally I don’t think so.

People have different perceptions of the word fine. Often it has to be compared to something because we are an extremely poor comparison to ourselves. Are the c___dren in Palestine fine? I don’t think so. Is it fine for my c___dren? Compared to the Palestinian ones, definitely. If you ask them personally, not even close. But they are missing nothing.

Am I fine? Actually, I am fine. Notwithstanding the fact that I’m disab__d, in huge debts and you name it.

When are you 100% fine? Do you know anyone like that? I do. When you give a kid a lollipop. At that moment is it 100% fine? A lover who’s just been confessed to the same feelings by his chosen one? 100% fine.

Only Xavier knows in what situation he might feel 100% fine for a few moments. Days or weeks, it doesn’t matter.

I don’t feed him fairy tales. I just tell him to trust in his decisions. If he stands firmly behind them, maybe that moment of satisfaction will come. If not, he has tried. He has nothing to reproach himself for.

Your words read: don’t even try, it’s not worth it, give up instead because it is never fine. But we all know that this is not human nature. You don’t believe it, but I do. Whatever it is. What matters is that he will be OK.

Oh they may think they are fine in the moment, but in reality are they really? More likely than not they are not fine. Ignorance is bliss as the saying goes. But we are now arguing semantics, aren’t we?

That may be true. However, you definitely sugar coat things for him. If you didn’t you would let him know that he may soon go through some of the most painful moments of his entire life in front of a bunch of people who only care which hot girl he will fuck next.

Will he eventually land on his feet a better person? I think so, however I don’t think he is going be “fine” going through most of it…

Xavier can confirm the opposite. Ignore my writing on the forum, which is more for the masses than for him.

Given that I am providing him with the help of a ther____t and that my approach is not conventional and the patient is sober right from the start, you can trust me that there is no sugar-coating here. Quite the opposite. You are not getting anywhere by cuddling, you can believe me. You don’t cure a _____ard by cuddling, you take the bottle away from him and stop him having access to it. Then you tackle the cause.

You are familiarising the patient with the facts. Nasty ones. You confront him with actions because he usually refuses them. I don’t mean to go on about our sessions in a public forum, if anything, he can comment on his own feelings about it. So far he does not reject them, although they are often unpleasant.

The patient is not. Do you have a different more appropriate approach for a VHTV patient?

Oh course he doesn’t. He doesn’t reject anything. That would be a poor business move for him. Instead he is the perfect “fence sitter” accepting everyone’s input. He is playing the VHTV game for success quite well. I applaud him for that!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Oh of course it is.

You are talking against decades of experience, so this conversation is really irrelevant.

But you can have all your doubts confirmed or dismissed by communicating with him, Xavier likes to respond to messages and if you’re worried enough, ask him, you are very welcomed.

The patient _____s a_____l. How is he sober from the start?