Marcel & Flora

Season 9 Lol GIF by The Office

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it’s very sad that people only prioritize women’s feet :frowning:

Yep she has been apart of some memorable occasions and introduced some terrific participants/guests. The website will be a lesser place without her


And quite a bit of combat instruction, especially in the avoidance segment.

prenos (1)


Nobody can argue about that

Like who as I’m struggling with this one

New girl :hugs: :slightly_smiling_face:


She is very pretty and a beautiful smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She looks a little familiar, reminds me of a guest that visited Aderyn a long time ago

She is not new, she is Aderyn’s friend, she visited several times during the days when he lived with aylin and also in his last apartment. First time she showing some skin though :blush:

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That will be when it was then

I think that she just looks alike with a girl who visited both Aderyn and Flora in that first apartment.

Aylin ?? :wink: :crazy_face:

Nope wasn’t Flora who did that

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I’m pretty sure it’s the same girl

I don’t think so. They just look alike

What are the chances that aderyn will have 2 friends that look the same?

We are on about this one right?

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Yes, that’s exactly the girl i was referring as well

Now I’ve found the pic Looks the same girl to me

I am also starting to believe that it is very likely to be the same girl.