Flora (Part 1)

Didn’t you already win the lottery when you married your wife?? :thinking:

I don’t think Isidore will ever be tied to a single realm, he needs to be free to hunt pussy, He has many more notches to earn for his post!

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but he can hunt them in his own realm :slight_smile:
or stay on the couch at Flora’s place… will be good for her income, since when she is alone with Dennis ti is mostly one of the most boring places to watch

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I can’t understand why is always necessary to start trolling. So sick of it by now

I think the realm is perfectly watchable when it’s just Flora and Dennis. Could it be a hint of jealousy towards Dennis that means you don’t find it as enjoyable

no jealousy involved… we talked about Dennis when he came here… i told her that he is one of the best guys she had here, apart from Neptune, but he did refuse her offer

I hope Isisdor will now get to unwrap the present Dennis has for him. @Flora :wink: :wink:

Credit: @crossmyway

Isidor and Dennis…yep I would happily watch that (whatever “that” may mean). Not sure it would ever happen though!

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Oh John, no one is trolling here. It’s just a bunch of mates having a good time. I’m sorry if it doesn’t fit your narrative. Maybe you need to touch some grass. That usually helps to lift people’s spirits! :hugs:

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Time for Isidor to start cheating in card games again? :face_with_monocle: :black_joker:

I suspect I know what you might have been referring to, with that remark but I can honestly say that the smell of freshly cut grass (actual grass, recently mown), lifts mine. I love that smell!

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It means going outside and getting some fresh air usually makes people feel better.

the shy girl took off some clothes, maybe finally she will do something tonight??

Isidor keep cheating in the wrong direction, Flora lost all her clothes :laughing:

Oh OK, well I did slightly misinterpret what you were meaning initially then…

…however, my own initial response about literal grass and its relevant fragrance related appreciation, still stands. :slight_smile:

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Hah now I’m curious what you initially thought I meant.

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Let’s just say I was thinking of the other form of ‘grass’ and how someone might interact with it, by “touching” it. :innocent:

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that is not a big surprise is it?

and I bet … Isidor is next to get naked :slight_smile:

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