Flora (Part 1)

Reminds me of the old “if I told you have a good body (I think you can fill in the rest)…” joke!

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I think Flora has abandoned the forum. It has been almost a week since she last made a forum post. She is now uploading the pictures she would normally upload on the forum to Telegram. I do find it a bit odd since the telegram channel reaches less people than the forum does… :cry:

I thought those were her telegram posts.

Yes they are. That is what I said. Flora used to post pictures directly to the forum not Telegram…

don’t worry, i will post them here :wink:

at least when i like the picture…
this one from yesterday was sure not one of her best,

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Maybe Flora is missing Torey’s love and want’s him back, so she stopped communicating with us in order to make him happy? :thinking: :hugs:

Fewer my dear chap, ‘fewer people’.

The general rule of thumb, well it’s a grammatical rule actually, is that if whatever is being referred to, can be counted (people in this case) then it’s ‘fewer’. If not (just mass or a voluminous reference in general), then it is ‘less than (whatever)’. :slight_smile:

Here endeth that totally uncalled for (but hopefully useful) English lesson for the day!

by the way, if you look in the history of telegram… there are some nice things to see :star_struck: :star_struck:


Why are you trying to bring Torey into this?? He hardly ever posts in this realm topic. If you are missing Torey that badly send him a DM. :wink:

For the same reason you are and always been tagging participants and others all over this forum…cause i can.

End off and back on topic :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

So, Torey is a participant now?? As per usually your logic makes no sense…SMDH

Re-read my post and end off

Come on guys. Peace :peace_symbol: :heart:


not my fault today big leader :sweat_smile:

Oh, dear sweat John just because you say something is over doesn’t mean it actually is. If you would have taken your own advice:

you would not be responding to me right now. How can I follow your advice if you yourself will not follow it… SMDH :disappointed:

Bon Appétit :yum:




cam 3 is not working @Flora

I did a ticket to support

(edit) Fixed

Bon Appetit
