Flora (Part 1)




Any chance another Camera added to the Living Room?

Asking since this is one of the best apartment in VH and its LR deserves more attention.


You can write to support and ask them.

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not possible… no space for another camera there…
big shame, but this is all we get

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There have been good images, mainly in the Living room, where there are better viewing conditions, and the guests are relaxing, good

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Not possible because incompetent people with years of management choose awful places. Till the moment places need to follow a minimum quality standard these “impossibilities” will be the norm and accepted for later say “sorry, not possible to add a cam as there is no space”

Well said Sparkles I just hope someone listens to what you have said :+1:

Doesn’t matter much here I guess.
like they are having sex now, although with a condom, but the sperm flies out and after sex she first washes his penis and then she washes her vagina …

i think @Flora can celebrate her next birthday behind the stroller and they will have a baby room :pregnant_woman: :woman_feeding_baby: :man_feeding_baby:

I thought that Flora’s managers are not even living in the same country, or i am confusing “things” now? :open_mouth:

Thought manager talks was off topic :man_shrugging:

You are correct, but what does Flora’s managers living in another country have anything to do with Sparkles comment? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I can recommend you some good movies if you are that bored and have nothing else to do with your time :wink:

How can it be off topic talking about this Realm and participant managers? :thinking:

Oh sorry temporarily forgot the rules don’t apply to you now that you are a top investor in the site

Jeez, now you really going way to far with your assumptions and insinuations. Off course that the rules apply to me…

The comment was about FLORA’S managers choosing an awful place, so on THIS topic, no?

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post deleted by user

How about this spot:

Ethernet cable(s) are already there (pointed blow) , and can be easily become PoE or use a DC powered ONVIF camera:

I learned that VHTV video transmission infrastructure is quite flexible.

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We should focus on what matters the most: the camera angle I pointed. Trust me you will like the outcome, as it would be similar to realm25’s cam15 which I expect many people here have enjoyed since a while ago.

In general, we can complain until tenants start to hate their job, become demotivated and eventually quit - OR alternatively thank them for their good and hard work. I think it takes hard work for Flora to bring these girls and guys here.

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they are talking about it right now

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