Finley & Francesca

I like Finley, but it really bothers me that a few minutes ago he got so angry at Sonya, (cam4) that he held her down and repeatedly kept hitting her on the head and face. She is a kitten, and just wanted to play. People who have no patience with their pets, should not have them. Just my opinion.

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encore 1 gros connard comme les autres respect des annimaux …

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Hi, what makes you think I don’t like Sonya? Sonya started being mean and she’s not a kitten anymore. This is for the purposes of education, so she began to tear up furniture instead of her scratching post, began to climb the table and steal food. But her bowl is always with food in this we pamper her with cat delicacies. Let’s not focus on this. You don’t pay attention to how we play with her and bask.

Hitting a cat will not teach them anything but fear. Do your homework on how to train a cat.
To be honest not much you can do to train a cat but you can try Non Violent measures.


Here’s a tip. Get its nails cut at the vet’s… every cat scratches the couch. :thinking:

And they will still do it. I have had cats my entire adult life. 2 of them were even declawed but it is their instincts to “sharpen” their nails. Even my two ones without claws did it because it is their instincts.

I learned to put a squirt bottle in most rooms thru-out the house. When they do something I don’t like, I squirt the little fuckers. It doesn’t hurt them, but they will learn. I do NOT like hitting cats in the head and causing pain. That is not an education, it’s simply trauma. Squirt her with a water bottle, Finley, please! BTW, Medea is real bad about doing the same thing.

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If you have a cat you have to let it free, you can’t train them like a dog… they are actually little predators.

it also worked for ariela with her rabbit… and judging by the face it was definitely satisfying :wink:

Uh, sexy lady :heart_eyes:

That is so much bulls__t I can’t believe you actually had the nerve to say it. That is NOT how you “educate”, as you call it, a pet. If you a___e a pet for any reason you are a complete asshole. Full stop.
:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:



:heart: :heart_eyes: :heart:

Hmm… :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:



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Freeeeeeeeeeedoooooooom :joy_cat: oh well just for a brief minute :smirk_cat:

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A few days ago, while Finley was outside grilling, they let her outside and she played for about two hours. She had a blast. :cat2: :smiley_cat:


Sonia versus the Laser Pointer :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy:

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