Finley & Francesca

They had sex last night

job sharing 
 :joy: :rofl:

Finley is already dreaming of his d______r.


I can’t see it in the archive. Could you please share it?

It’s saved and on queue waiting to be released

Shame on her, climbing around on the chairs and table in her condition, with a perfectly able man to do it. Thankful she did not fall.

@Finley & Francesca Ihr hattet eine schöne Feier. Ich habe fĂŒr euch gevotet. Ihr seid meine Lieblinge hier auf VHTV und ich bin ein wenig traurig, dass ihr uns verlasst.
Ich schreibe nur ganz selten etwas im Forum.
Heute möchte ich euch danke. Danke fĂŒr die vielen schönen Momente, Stunden, Tage.
Ich wĂŒnsche euch fĂŒr die Zukunft alles Gute,
besonders fĂŒr eure Tochter ein wundervolles, gesundes, glĂŒckliches und erfolgreiches Leben.
Passt gut auf euch auf :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pregnant_man: :pregnant_woman: :family_man_man_girl:
Viel GlĂŒck :four_leaf_clover:


Thank you very much for your vote, I am very pleased that you appreciated our efforts and work. I really tried hard to create a Halloween atmosphere. I think we succeeded. P.S. I couldn’t even imagine that I was capable of something like this, because I’d never done something like this before. But now I realized that I am capable of much. But to be honest, I’m very tired. My head was exploding
 I had to come up with an idea and, of course, implement it all, but I’m very pleased with the result. I hope others will also appreciate us. After all, 95% was done by hand.
Thank you for your best wishes for our future :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


True, it’s not difficult for me. Pregnancy is not a disease. I don’t want to rest all the time. As long as I can do it, why not. I do this as carefully as possible for myself and my d______r. Don’t worry too much. Whatever I can’t handle at this stage, I of course ask Finley to help me.


Good luck and take care


Ich habe gesehen, wie viel Liebe und Fleiss in die Herstellung der Deko von Dir Francesca investiert worden ist und wie sehr alles mit Hingabe ausgetĂŒftelt worden ist. Alleine die Buchstaben aufzeichnen und ausschneiden war doch eine grosse Arbeit. Die Deko war klasse und ich habe euch als erstes gewĂ€hlt. Ich habe alle Wohnungen, die mitmachen, durch geguckt. Eure Deko fand ich am schönsten.
Erholen Sie sich gut und bereiten sind mit Liebe auf die Geburt vor. Ich werde euch sehr vermissen. Danke fĂŒr alles :pray:

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Thank you

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:jack_o_lantern: :jack_o_lantern:


@Finley Your former homemate left the project, just like you. If it’s not private, I would like to ask something. Was the relationship between you bad? Didn’t any of you go to visit?



There is absolutely nothing personal. We just live far from each other, and we have other interests and social circles.
She left the project for personal reasons.


And today is the last full day that we are still on the project.
Tomorrow we will say goodbye to you :s___py:
So while there is time, come and have a look)


Good luck to you and have fun with your d______r.

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Tonight they showed the whole viewer a farewell sex in the living room