Favourite current realm

pick one only… i will be predictable and go for tonk ryry and martha

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  • Tonk , Ryry, Martha
  • Tristan
0 voters

Such a survey is easier …

That’s a hard decision for me cause I have so many If I remember my favorite section it’s at 25 realms that I follow :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Why are there only two choices? If I tap the third, blank choice, it doesn’t give me any other choices, or present me with a way to enter my own choice.

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The election was stolen!


Have no idea. This topic makes no sense at all.

You should not vote there at all.

I just wanted to show @Corbin161899 how to make voting easier for everyone.

But 17 meant to vote on the pattern …

I deliberately chose … as the 3rd point.

I think we can close this one? :wink:

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