Farting girls

Are there any girls who fart on cam here ?


We have had Hudson. But he is not a girl.

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I think I caught the one on relocation do it once although it wasn’t someone I usually watch

Yes. They fart a lot while as___p


Love it! Thanks man!

Would love more of just regular day farts from the girls.(not only the roulett)

Have heard Lilith a few times. Also Zelva.

Too bad you can’t smell them. They have opened a channel of ideas to improve VHT this 2024, try to see if anyone can think of something. :crazy_face:

Maybe we could start posting them here to get the thread going.

Are there any realms where this happens often? I think I never hear them fart.

Harmony’s guest nice booming fart at start and also a nice one at the end

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great catch. thanks

Catch them when first waking up and you can get lucky

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Nice farts and pee, possible a small poop.


That was awesome bro! Thanks for the heads up and share.