Emili & Stayls

It’s difficult to donate to you through VHTV as for some reason they have replaced your realm with someone else, @jabbath1987 has made them aware of the situation but nothing has been done so far. I thank you for the update and wish you well for the future stay safe. :heart:

I STILL have NOT found a way to donate to Emili. Looks to me like they need some help. Why don’t you put a DONATE button at the top of THIS page? You have 98 realm numbers. Why do you take theirs?

Sorry support did nothing so far. I will do a ticket again now.

Support routed my new ticket to HR now. I have absolutely no idea why it is so complicated to just take a realm number not used and assign them as offline to Emili & Stayls. :thinking: Can @VHTV or @VHTV_CEO finally do something here? It’s totally not fair that Emili & Stayls no longer have the opportunity to get donations.

hello friends, everything is the same with us, the mood is fighting. I believe in an early victory for Ukraine.


How are you?

Hi Emili, yes the Ukrainian troops have been phenomenal and are celebrated all around the free world, I just wish the free world would get up off its backside and support Ukraine more as I fear the hard part is to come with Russian scum moving in on Kharkiv now, :frowning:

Where are you now and did you make it to Norway?


Can I suggest you open a PayPal account in the meantime as both you and Stayls can use it as it is working in Ukraine fully now?

Just a little tip, use your forum names not your real names when setting up the account, as Amelie put her full name and surname for the reply notification, oops.

It takes five mins to set up and if you need any other advice regarding PayPal then send me a message as I have been using it for many years now as I live in Poland and my family live in the UK, so it’s been a lifesaver over the years. :slight_smile:

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I am still alone in moldova, as soon as we leave together, we will think about where to go. To be honest we don’t know where to go yet.


I am happy to help you with everything here when you decide to come to Germany :hugs:

I think we’ll think about it, I’ll talk to Stayls

It’s not easy to choose although I can find you a place in Poland but you would be in the same situation that you are in now. Ideally the best would be to move somewhere where you know people, but I can 100% help with Poland in finding accommodation in you know people there.

I only have acquaintances from Ukraine there, no one lives in Poland. But I think we will consider all options.


Unfortunately, we can’t create a PayPal account, but we do have a Bitsafe account.

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Payment information for BitSafe added here:

Do I have to open an account with BitSafe to be able to pay into Emili’s BitSafe account? I am looking at their website and it is not clear to me. I’m thinking I do.

Emili, Can you verify that the account number shown with VHTV is correct?

No you can just do a normal SEPA transaction. You do not need a BitSafe account.

I"m purty ignorant and I don’t know what a “SEPA transaction” is. I have been using PayPal.

How do I do a SEPA transfer?

To make a SEPA bank transfer, you need to log in to your bank or payment provider account and set up the transfer as you normally do. Add the recipient by providing the required details, add the IBAN of the recipient’s bank account and pay for your money transfer.

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OK got that. Never done it before. Is that workable thru PayPal as well?