Eliza, Queen

ok but i have always thought this about those two and then when the contract bulls__t happened and they had to change their names i am even more convinced. The type of people that run these apartments in the background and i am not just talking about the managers its not outlandish to think they would take advantage of some under age girls and even guys.


John you give JD’s comment a :+1:?? He is agreeing with my comments. Only a few minutes ago you where saying my comments were all bs. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I gave a thumb up to the comments where he’s spot on. Both them comments have nothing to do with your bs comments :wink:

I agree, but being a minor is a little bit of a grey area. I could very well be wrong but I believe in Russia you are not a minor at 17. The problem is different countries have different ages as to what age the consider a person to be a minor or an adult.

i don’t understand both of my comments was me replying to notseth. Also its awkward if you agree with me considering lyla was your favourite since kaz house :grimacing:

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Hah have you not learned by now John’s special way of logic.

Simple arithmetic tells me that if she is truly 18-19 right now and was having sex on camera 3 years ago well do the maths.

You are probably making a confusion between the age of majority (which is 18 by international law) and the age of consent which can differ from country to country

Two completely different things

Ah thanks Google! However, no I was not getting them confused. Like I previously stated I could be wrong and it looks like I am. I thought the age of adulthood in Russia might be 17 not 18.

Thank you for the correction. :+1:

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It’s about when a person is allowed to have sex with whom. This is different in different countries.

“Allowed” in Russia from 16.

In Germany, for example, it is more complicated, here it still depends on the partner’s age and their relationships/positions.

But here the general international consensus is 18!

The fact that this discussion is even happening shows something is not right. They erase the topics, videos and change names and expect us not to question anything… and some people just go along with the bulls__t


You have a third tier of these laws, namely at what age of participants is it permissible to broadcast sex act.

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That’s right, this is often the stage when the person is “fully competent”. (There may be exceptions here, but would go beyond the scope here.)

No Max, sorry, it is about when a person reaches the age of majority by law ( is not considered a c___d anymore )

What are you referring there is the age of consent. Again two completely different things

Sorry, but this whole discussion is pure bulls__t.
It is based on the assumption that Queen is 18 or 19 NOW.
However, since we do not know the age of the participants (even if a participant is celebrating their birthday here, we do not know whether their information is correct), there is no need to discuss the age of majority.

All we are aware of is VHTV’s statement that some participants have had their names changed due to contractual discrepancies.

Especially @jamesdeenV3 should be aware of the fact that there can be various reasons for name changes.

That’s right, this is often the stage when the person is “fully competent”. (There may be exceptions here, but would go beyond the scope here.)( Volljährigkeit – Wikipedia)

As I said, this is usually international (currently) 18.

You are right Max

my name is still james deen it has not changed so i do not understand your point. Also its just my gut feeling and until i am told different i am going to continue to believe my gut feeling while you can continue to believe whatever vhtv says. Also it was not just a simple name change and you know this


It does not make sense to me that we, the uninitiated, should get into the legal affairs of VHTV.