Eliza, Queen

True that. Without him, Lyla and Wayne will die from boredom…not mentioning us.


Who is Lyla? Never heard of her… The girl is named Queen…

Don’t worry, will take some time to adjust.


How the actual fuck did they came up with THIS name? Just to confuse the s__te out of me now when i refer to the one from realm 14, or maybe she was jealous that i call other girl that name? :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :joy: :joy: :joy:

there is only one QUEEN all the rest is wanna be…

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What the crap just happen I’m so confused :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Imagine that now i need to be careful when using that name :laughing:

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U know I was so excited the first thing came to mind was u know who got her own place I was getting ready to do my excited dance :laughing::joy:

just imagine that a girl got jealous on another girl name status on site and decided to “steal” it :crazy_face: :joy:

I can very well imagine that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Hello, Benadick… can you come over :question: Yes, yes he gone. :wink:


The reason Lyla had her name changed is because they had to scrap her old contract because she was u______e when she first joined VHTV, that can only be the plausible answer :man_shrugging:

Why would they let her back if she lied about her age initially?


I suppose that you have some sort of evidence for making such accusation ?

if that was the case they would have taken out all of her videos from the archive.

Let’s put it this way, there could have been misunderstandings when the contract was being filled out, which are now apparent when we check it again. :thinking: :smirk:

You don’t want to say that VHTV or its partners v_____ed any laws, do you? :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

The face of evil

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Oh My God Wow GIF

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I have no idea what the fuck is going on at this realm, but whatever she was watching on TV earlier this evening seemed to be way more interesting than watching her. :roll_eyes: