Eliza, Queen

Very true, I just dip in now and again.

For being a good girl, the Queen has received her fav sweets from the King :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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This happens to be a lady who was saved without a properly valid contract. Any resemblance to current participants is purely coincidental.


Are they from Benadick :question:
Enquire minds want to know. :rofl:

NOPEā€¦ 10 characters

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Calling Ben now :laughing:


Shift work ā€¦ day shift ā€¦ night shift ā€¦

Probably she is afraid to s___p alone :smiling_face: :innocent:


springer services are still up for grabsā€¦ :rofl: :joy:

Spontaneous and time-flexible, however, is the requirement.

Canā€™t wait to see what the writers have in store for season 2. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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peut ĆŖtre : Queenā€¦ la reine de la vodka ou des embrouillesā€¦ :wink: :wink:

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Will only be fair for Wayne to get his fair share of hot chicks but i doubt it :cry:


Itā€™s like playing a video game. When things get too hard, just respawn.

As for Ben, the question is whether he is still allowed to visit the realm. We will see in the coming days. Also a question of how a_____l intake in the apartment will be handled. We have already seen where the contract has been redrafted or has limited the quantities. I would not go into where and why, most people know the story.

As for Wayne, Iā€™d rather not waste too many words.

I am glad they are back because that provides drama, the only question is how limited it will be by the new contract.

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On a first bet, i believe heā€™s not, but like you said, we will see it in the coming days

They didnā€™t come back together. They are no longer a couple. If you look at the vhtv article, it says this participant. wayne comes and goes from time to time and thatā€™s it. we will seeā€¦ thereā€™s only one name.maybe ı am wrong. ı dont know.

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I should write Iā€™m glad sheā€™s back, my main point was for hole realm coming back. Thanks for pointing this.

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showing as ā€œLylaā€ apartment now.

in the previews, but not in the directory.

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Not on my side



neither hereā€¦


What did he do wrong? Maybe he wants to meet the new girl :wink: