Eliza, Queen

Since you seem to appreciate my grammatical corrections so much; it’s heartbreaking not heart broking. :wink: :hugs:

Fixed for you bub, Happy? :roll_eyes:

No need to be aggressive now is there? :man_facepalming:

When and if i might consider that your opinion is needed, i will ask for it, until then please keep it for yourself, Mr Not So Shy Guy… :shushing_face: :zipper_mouth_face:

Calm down, take a breathe, No need to be so aggressive

Also Seems you misunderstand my username, maybe a Google will help you

Good to see Lyla happy :grin: :heart:


Why can’t we keep the topic clean?

If you want to bitch and argue with each other, :rage: :angry:

Do it in PM! I’d rather not have to see it! :innocent:

Please stop trying to bully everyone that has a different opinion than your own.

Seth, i have NEVER, not even ONCE started a conversation with him, HE is the one that keeps provoking me (directly and indirectly) all over this forum, he’s been told to stop it, but he doesn’t.

Looks like the bullying team is out on a mission again :see_no_evil:

John I know when you first joined you thought this was a private forum that could only be accessed from the main VHTV website, however that is not the case. This is an open free forum. Which means everyone has the right to respond to any users comments. Please respect the forum rules thank you! :hugs:

:heart_eyes_cat: :zzz: :zzz:





Scared the s__te out of the poor Itchi :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :see_no_evil:

ta le look coco …

StillSeth, From what I have read you always water a plastic plant and keep it in the closet. It makes it Really happy.

Maybe you should take your own advice. :man_shrugging:

Itchi probably doesn’t like the person, when he comes, he goes under the sofa.

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Is layla, now queen, Wheres wayne? How could a love as pure as theirs not lasted,beyond 1 appartment eviction?