
Does anyone have an idea about who is the participant of this apartment? Or if there is a participant? :heart_eyes:

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Dude, thereā€™s not even an apartment. :neutral_face: :smile:

But to answer your question, itā€™s a hot blonde who is friends with Yuneska and Radu. There was also some handsome long haired guy.


I had a basic feeling about that, since the designation is ecstatic. But thanks for telling me anyway. :hugs:


Apparently the girlā€™s name is ā€œEcstaticā€. Would be weird but we had a ā€œWhitewaveā€ for a couple months so I guess itā€™s just a normal name around here :smile:

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@Tyrese69961 however I think it is a record for vhtv (transfer after not even 24 hours online)ā€¦ :joy: :joy:


Whitewave equals HvitbĆølge in my native tongue language norwegian. Ecstatic equals ekstatisk. So the two languages is really not that far apart. :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What do you mean? Most of these people are like actors who have screen names. I didnā€™t think they used their real names. Kind of like how you are constantly having to explain to people they are not allowed to say their location

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Andre. You are quite right Noldus posted earlier regarding this realm. Stating that they had the record for a relocation after 18 hours.


Yeah, it has been mentioned a few times by Noldus that those 18 hours is the new record. :heart_eyes:

any other VHTV incidents that i should search the archives for? :smirk:

@Tyrese69961 apologize to both of you I did not read the previous messagesā€¦ :pray:

Nothing to apologise for mate. I don`t care one squat about those messages myself, so no problem at all. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:


Andre. As Tyreese has already stated there is nothing to apologise for. Have a pleasant evening. cheers


thanks manā€¦I wish you a good evening also you are a good personā€¦ :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


He is a fine example of an englishman, I can vouch for that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What happened? Lol Trying to beat Zaza & Miki for the fastest disappearing act??


Duh. But your screen name can be something normal like Ariela, Flora, Yuneska, Anna, Roza or Alex. It can also be something a bit quirkier, something that sounds like a nickname like Pinky or Ryry. It can follow a theme like Fox and Fennec, Rachel and Ross. Or you can be Whitewave or Ecstatic which donā€™t sound like names at all. Itā€™s all fine but there will be always a little confusion like there was here as well.

thanks man but the compliment goes for the program called deeplā€¦for English Italian translationā€¦or Italian English for my language and the bestā€¦ :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Luckily you have the nice ability to express very ok in english. Otherwise for example I would have struggled big time. I can tell you that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

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thanks friendā€¦ :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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