Duplicated names

There was a discussion about 2 Barts on the k & K thread earlier and it was mentioned that the original Bart was last hears still with ISA. ( good luck to them both- i would still be with her too given half the chance- she was and probably still is gorggous and one of my all time favourites - whoops sorry back to subject ) Would it be too difficult ( and any advantage ) to take names off the Wiki after a non - appearance of say 1 or 2 years ?

No. Because we never know if somebody will be back or not. In your case we can add the name Bart as Bart (Kevin’s friend) Did he do something worth getting into Wiki?

Not that i know of, so as you say no reason yet, but i only put this as an idea on anew thread because i find off topic stuff very timewasting . You must have a hell of a job finding new suitable names and in some cases the lists on wiki gets so long ( medea for example) One ce dome i also thought it might be easier for you,.

Don’t worry I manage. And a lot of people helping. :wink::+1: Finding names I usually use some sites or ask other people who help me.

Is this the guy? I have seen him a couple of time with Katinka (I think…) and yesterday there was an attempt of a 3some before Katinka run to the toilet.

No idea. I don’t follow that place…

Maybe the Moments Operators can answer my ? If names can’t be duplicated for different realms why do we have so many names that are the same? It is starting to get confusing on who is talking to who about who in what realm and so on.