Ducks! and other cuddly stuffed animals

What’s the deal with the big ducks? I notice several realms have them?

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Participants use these stuffed a____ls to snuggle with when they s___p. Take care… :wink:

Donald Duck Reaction GIF

Daffy Duck No GIF by Looney Tunes

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I only noticed Medas one and Alicias one. But they seem to be exactly the same ones…

Lyla and Ariela have some too. Well, no ducks, just these big stuffed a____ls in the bed… :wink:

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Remember we have a chilli too somewhere :grin:



@jabbath1987 if Medea’s duck needs a name I suggest Kendrick as he seems to likes the fluffy wuffy fella. :duck: Only if @WC_Chiffonier is happy of course wouldn’t want to offend him :wink:

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Then there is bananas :smile:

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Don’t forget the sharks having sex

bandicam 2023-01-14 16-31-26-175

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And then there are the little stuffed a____ls… :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Guys back to topic this one is about ducks, if you want a new topic call it Stuffed A____ls. Thanks :+1: :man_facepalming:

Sorry about that, got a little carried away. Of course you are correct :grinning:


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Like a securifty blanket

You mean some kind of spacer if there is to be no sex? :sweat_smile:


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What is Lylas Chili? Not a stuffed a____l but a stuffed vegetable? :joy::joy: