Discussion about Posting rules

I still don’t understand why these images from other sites are still here because it’s inappropriate and against vhtv rule

A post was merged into an existing topic: LinaSun and Momo

It’s not against the rules if their agency is ok with them posting the pics, which it appears they are.

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Because it wasn’t me who posted them. That’s why. The closer one is to the top, the more liberty one has to bend the rules.


I don’t think they are happy with these images shared :upside_down_face: and rules are made only for chosen viewers :joy:

Where does VHTV connect itself in partnership to the agency, whatever that is?

Oh, my dear Amy, you do not give yourself enough credit. You are one of the most well known users on the forum. :smiling_face:

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100%. I guarantee to you if I went around these kinds of places accusing the tenants of being sex slaves to an agency, I wouldn’t last a minute, but if one is of the operator class, no holds barred for them. They can say anything they want to.

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It was mentioned in the forum topic about posting participant/guests porn star names. I am not saying they are partners. I am saying posting porn names, pics & such is permitted by VHTV if their agency is ok with it.

Vhtv needs to update the rules on posting outside content. All it says is “digital”. It’s not very clear.

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Which is contrasted by this.

Post Only Your Own Stuff

You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law

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Great those pics are still there and we are moved to new topic :sweat_smile::joy::joy:

That’s pretty funny. Jabs goes out of his way to move this conversation, that stems from that apt topic into a sub topic s__thole and now it barely makes any sense. Good job Jabs! You saved the forum from a handful of comments about a subject you personally don’t like. Yay!

@VHTV_James Any chance you can fix your FAQ with the actual rules for posting outside digital content? The current FAQ really makes it clear that NO such content is permitted. What’s acceptable and what isn’t?

No, FAQ is alright.

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In regards of this topic, I took a look into the original thread and here, and don’t get what’s the problem. If we prohibit external media, say goodbye to GIFs and Memes. What do you suggest here? Blacklisting referring external media of participants or other persons? That won’t work.

Unless the images are reported as either inappropriate or spam, they will stay organically here. In addition, we will remove external media links if those get reported by Participants or Studio managers themselves.

It’s not clear though.

So, in other words post whatever you want and see what happens? Doesn’t seem like a good policy to me.

It’s alright with me as it is now. Sorry it doesn’t fit you.

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