Ambar & Dane

Who is this, on the sofa playing with herself

I think her name is Fernanda, she is a permanent guest, not an occasional visitor

I think you are right

How do you get to this Wiki?

Thank you for the information

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Wow, do you maintain this Sir?

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So polite young man. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Me and the other operators. But I created the new one.

Wow, I haven’t been called young in many years, I respect all individuals until one gives me a reason not to, 27 years in the military will do that to you!

Very impressive indeed, is there a link on the home page?

All good. You can just call me “mate” or “buddy” or just “you” :upside_down_face:

Thanks. :+1:No but there is an own Wiki section under categories section…

I found, it thanks friend

Am I the only one who hates this furniture arrangement?

Ambar cuando habra fiesta?

I think not, I in my case, hate, I do not say, the term better applies , “could be better”

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Yes, I agree, hate is the wrong word, but she could have arrange it better for the cameras, like move the brown chairs a little more to the left.

Happy Christmas to you all. :christmas_tree: :partying_face:

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Feliz navidad :gift::christmas_tree: que tengan una noche buena :orange_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart: las mejores bendiciones :gift::gift::gift::santa:t2: