Cooper & Charlize

@andre85 I was involved in a Vigilante group after one of My Mates D______r was Gang R__ed almost every day for 9 Months but a gang of Blacks, believe Me I don’t want to see and will not tolerate seeing Gang R____ts, R____ts, or Violent Men who Attack Women in ANY Group that I belong to.

Even Rough Sex and BDSM Sickens Me, as i have had many Friends who used to Slap Around and Beat Up their Wives and Girlfriends and then get them to say that is was “Rough Sex” that caused their Injuries, so Fcuk that.

Sorry for getting on the wrong side with You, I meant no dispespect.

maybe I explained myself wrongly and honestly I don’t feel like writing anymore…I’m telling you that any violence even in sex without the consent of the partner is not acceptable…

sorry why you want to know at all costs the names of the people who r__ed a girl years ago…

The one in black even came back with a different name : Evan it was.

Off course it didn’t took extremely long until he showed again his abusive “sk__ls” and beat the s__t out of a guest girl :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: while trowing her out of the apartment.

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So as I NEVER have to Witness them Gang R__e again if they come back.

don’t fucking get involved too or we’ll never get out of here…

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I get out of everything I broke my balls…

Andre, i am sure that i haven’t spoke with you at all for some time now.

And also that i never used the “F” word when i did

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I’m not mad at you I’d miss it just that it seems useless to me to still talk about people who r__ed a girl who are now gone on vhtv…(who I hope will die as soon as possible)

Understood. Well, i said my two cents and i am done now :hugs:

@John78 and the Admin and the Owner and the Manager did what, Jack S__t I suppose?

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And this from the CEO as well. @andre85 @John78

VHTV CEO Project Team

Jan '22

So, the decision has been made. What I’m about to write, many people here will not like it. And those people’s opinions are valuable to me. Just know that I am writing this with the full knowledge that it will not be popular here. 56 realm remains in this line-up. Yes, everyone involved in this unseemly event has been punished, and the punishment is stricter than our current franchisee agreements provide. I’ve spoken to the managers, I’ve spoken to Cooper. I’ve looked into the situation, and it’s definitely the fault of the franchise, and of me personally as its manager. We don’t explain to everyone involved what violence is and what consent is, in sufficient detail and persistently. Our chains of communication are not set up well enough. So it would certainly be much easier for me to get rid of these guys and tell the managers to “look for other, better ones”, but that wouldn’t be fair to them. So your anger towards me, and the need to spend some of the profits to better organise our information chains, is my part of the punishment for this incident. I feel it is necessary here to tell you about our conversation with Cooper. For him, for the guest girl, for everyone involved, this was not something unacceptable. That said, when I began to tell them that you cannot have sex with a person unless they actively consent to it, they were all sympathetic to these things, and unlike the r____ts who have been banished before, I am confident that this will not happen to these guys again. Also, as a precautionary measure, we want to impose a condition on this realm - no _____ing. No _____ing. A bottle of wine or vermouth and juice per party, no more. Because a_____l is too often the cause of such incidents. This restriction will be imposed for three months. Naturally, in the event of a repeat of this incident the realm will be deleted immediately. I also feel it necessary to tell you what we plan to do, so that everyone, managers and participants alike, will not only learn about the culture of consent, but also become its ardent supporters. Most importantly, we plan to engage an expert in this field to help us draw up an action plan. We plan to have regular contact with participants to educate them on how not to be an a___er. I can’t promise that you will be able to see these trainings online, but there will definitely be some. We have also already announced that we will be increasing the punishment for r__e incidents - from now on such incidents will mean immediate closure of the realm. With respect for the whole community and with hope for understanding, yours truly.

Will be rude for me not to answer, but as far as i remember that episode was his end on Vhtv.

Sorry, but now i am really done here :hugs:

@John78 there is not there with you I was wrong so many times that maybe I answer wrong…but you can rest assured that with you I have no problem… :hugs: :hugs:

Why is he bringing up old s__t that was dealt with back then that’s why the couple is no longer on VHTV I MEAN HE HAD TO GO BACK INTO THE ARCHIVES OF THIS FORM TO FIND THAT WOW

And I was asking about the Two Gang R____ts Boys, NOT the Couple for Your Information, got it now have You?

If you want to go back and find all of that, all you have to do is go back and read all of it you don’t need to ask anybody about it because it’s already in the forms in text that you can just read I mean do you want to talk to people and discuss old s__t that don’t nobody wanna reminisce and talk to you about. Everybody wants to leave it in the past.

  1. Please calm down – we are not talking here in this manner.
  2. Nobody understands why would you tag them and/or write it here at all. Please don’t tag users when it’s not necessary and let’s try to stick to topic (better to any relevant one).

He was talking about that incident in Ceres topic. That is why I moved his initial posts here. I have no idea why he wants to discuss such old events again…

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