Cinderella, Kerri



Cinderella tattoo says it all she is a Angel :hugs: :heart:


Kerri is back :heart_eyes:




Poor little troll, try somewhere else

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definitely a debut that leaves a remarkable impression.
I’m pretty sure that a journey through time will take place after the next post at the latest, and the remaining 10 days will be over within a very short time

Well, if you don’t like it, then you know what to do

Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

it’s amazing how quickly time flies sometimes… 10 days are over in a jiffy and you didn’t even notice

Take your poorly scripted posts and get the fuck out of here. Your main premium account is now suspended forever at VHTV Forum too.

Enjoy silent watch and if you ever decide to crawl back to VHTV Forum to leverage your freedom of speech at the cost of everybody’s time, think twice and purchase new subscription first. We would buffer you from the rest of the community at the cost of your resources, not ours.

Goodbye GIF


A post was merged into an existing topic: Purgatorium :poop:

I like that he called us rascals. How quaint!

I get the impression that Cinderella was expecting a little more ‘team activity’ from Josema 23:29:20 cam 4, possibly with Kerri. He is so laid back as to be horizontal. How anyone could decline Kerri is beyond my understanding.

There was an attempt for anal, but it looks like Cinderella is not quite “there”, at least not for now

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I doubt whether her small anal wart is the cause, more likely that she is on a learning curve.

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She was willing to try, but she’s definitely not comfortable at all, don’t know what to say really

Well one solution is to employ a smaller penis. In this respect Isidor is possibly not best placed. Perhaps Josema, but he has too many inhibitions currently.