Cinderella, Kerri

Naked cooking with Isidor :yum:

Wondering what is that thing he’s wearing for few days now :thinking:

Wandering…or wondering?

He’s wandering about, wearing it, whilst you are wondering what it is. :slight_smile:

Oh, i just seen it, simply just a TYPO David, thanks for pointing it out :hugs:

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Maybe @John78 has been wandering whilst wondering. :crazy_face:

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Or wondering about wandering somewhere!

Bij ons dragen sommigen studentenverenigingen dat .
Maar bij Isidor zal dat wel een andere betekenis hebben :sweat_smile:

Maybe it says in a relationship with @Cinderella, hands off!

mission accomplished

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There is no better way to watch the tv :star_struck:


None of the cameras seem to want to load…

Anyone else having issues with the livestream right now?

everyone theres a glitch

Yes, I am having the same issues with ALL cameras sitewide now as well.

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Same here, nothing works. I restarted my phone 3 times already :joy::joy:


Just done the same, refreshing my browser page, just to see if THAT was the problem. Seems it isn’t though.

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but this site still works so better watch out for the k__ljoys comming in with off topic punishment guys

One thing i managed to see, the braids are back :roll_eyes:


It’s when Isidor gets them, we need to start getting concerned!

I believe that he is safe, unless he’s getting some attached

Yes, it was the attachment idea that I was contemplating.

Not my cup of tea but I’m sure someone will enjoy.