Cinderella, Kerri

Man, i understand that you don’t like Isidor, i am not his fan either, but to say that it was physical violence when it wasn’t, is a step too far. I can post here now exactly the 05:50:00 to 05:51:00 interval if you want, there isn’t any physical violence. There are a lot of strong words, that’s true

Ben likes to fight. If it got really serious I think Ben would fight Isidor! :boxing_glove: :muscle:

Self Defense Fighting GIF

Are you sending all of what you are seeing to VHTV support like @kaya asked us to? If anything serious is happening that is the best way to make sure it is dealt with.

so do it !! show cam 9 from :50 to :51 or maybee till :52 - i don´t know the special second
then you can´t see it you wont see it

They been in the bedroom like you said, from :50 until :51 after that she went and took all his clothes out from the drawer and then they came back into the bedroom. In the pics you posted and said “slapping”, he actually took the IQOS out of her hand and thew out the HEET

If you are not familiar, this is happening all the time when they have a “end of the month” party and pushing things way beyond what both can handle. At first, was the other way around, Isidor playing with other girls and she making the drama, now, the roles have changed.

Kaya has to say that but, I saw Bruno the r____t live and the next day that part of the timeline just jumped 2 hours to hide the r__e!

VHTV cannot admit it because destroying evidence of a crime is itself a crime!I remember another sex offense that just vanished along with the apartment! The girl said Nyet many times but that did not stop the bastard!

I will also give my opinion because it has happened to me several times. when VHTV knows an incident is happening and it’s not right for viewers to see it, they always cut about half to one hour of the incident part.
After VHTV reviews it, if an investigation needs to be done, they take it offline for 1-2 days while they get all the information from the Realms Managers.
I don’t know how long you’ve been at VHTV and this isn’t the first time this has happened.
VHTV can not control every Realm that is done by Managers.
So if you want my opinion check out Realms have fun and if you see something inappropriate send a report that’s the only thing You can do. All the best to You !!

Why is he still here!!!

At least Cinderella has one of her sharks for comfort!

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Because she is not ready for him to leave as you see every time she gets mad at him and cries she ends up trying to talk to him, trying to talk it out trying to work it out. She is not ready to accept the fact that they can that they don’t work together Until her mind is satisfied and made up it’s going to stay just like it is or they’re both going to end up leaving altogether one of the two

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I think Cinderella is addicted to Isidor’s :eggplant:. The sex he is giving her must be so great she can’t imagine another man being able to give her pleasure equal to his.

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Sometimes it be so intense, she ends up shaking you may be right on the other part

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It would be great to see Ben & @ISIDOR in a fuck competition with @Cinderella. @Kerri could be the judge to see who did the best job giving Cinderella an orgasm! :smiling_imp: :heart_eyes: :sweat_drops:

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Why don’t you suggest a gang bang where there are 20 other guys in addition to Isidor, Ben, Connor and Dennis?

I just can’t take your postings seriously … :joy:

@WARIO said that the sharks are him in plushy form! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

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His posts aren’t meant to be taken seriously, he only looks to be sarcastic or stir the pot… or usually some combination of both :laughing:

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Says the person who always has both butt cheeks planted firmly between the fence… :man_shrugging:t2:

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Right so if I am fence sitting i.e. not picking a side, can you tell me what the sides are? I’m just tying to not antagonize the participants or other subscribers

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Yes Eros, you ´r right - it is the same on other Apartments, i know.
But i cant understand why this persons dont get throw out of the Project.

Best wishes !

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: do you mean that ? Poor Cinderella if she does´nt know that there are so much more as a middl sized cock hummering in her pussy

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