Cinderella, Kerri

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@John78 de kleur heb ik nog niet bepaald :sweat_smile: :kissing_heart: :star_struck:

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well kerri deserves some considerations: she looks like those freelancers who work serving the kingdoms and it seems that she receives something outside of VHTV or from some kingdom owner, so she appears when requested, acting as a stage animator. it follows a standard script, with nudity, some fondling, but generally no sex. With a high dose of simulation, well mechanized, with little emotional involvement and horniness. penetration with her, only occurs if he is a kingdom owner, a big shot like isildor and usually covered and hidden, although almost always, in these cases, it seems to be very horny, different from mechanized shows and done with detachment.

Ps I think kerri is sexy and even charmingly innocent at first glance, mostly because she has clean skin and no tattoos (which is getting rarer and rarer) I hope she finds a man who sets her on fire and who can make her more emotionally and sexually involved and who can have sex with him with more involvement and delivery and horny. (one who could have set her on fire would be Denis, but precisely in the week that he was out there, free from Flora’s clutches, she strangely wasn’t asked or couldn’t show up)


I know you love to write…

Have you considered writing some novels? You definitely have what it takes :slightly_smiling_face:

P.S: Although i agree with most of your text, i believe that you could have found a better one than Dennis :wink:


yeah no doubt there are people better than him, however, as you know yourself, he was kind of unstoppable last week and Kerri depending on the thrust he landed at the right time and in the right way, could have billed her, and if you look closely knows that kerri is always open to thrusts, and if it hits, it can end in penetration, especially if it is hidden or covered. now one thing is for sure he doesn’t own a kingdom or a big shot like Isildor, Xavier and Ceres and that would certainly testify against him

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I would definitely go for pink if i was you :slightly_smiling_face:

For more than one reason :wink:

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It looks like it’s hot pink and it matches her panties to :crazy_face:
it doesn’t matter what nail color Cinderella has on it will always beautiful :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I wouldn’t mind the blue either :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well done Isidor, that’s the way to start with :clap:

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Принимали ли Вы ромашковые ванны?



Нет, у нас просто хорошее настроение :joy_cat:


Так держать!

Это гораздо приятнее, чем выглядеть грустным! :kissing_heart:


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Must be cold :snowflake::cold_face::snowflake::cold_face:


Oh my Princess Cinderella I don’t think that is how you are supposed to use your chamber pot.

:scream: :toilet: :princess:

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I think that is picture of their new pet.

Naked Mole Rat GIF

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My guess is that Isidor is at Kelys helping out with the re-location. It is evident to me that Cinderella, although just larking about here, has the innate ability of an actress.


Lol :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: your not wrong

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