
As this realm has links to the Gods how about Vulcan the god of fire. Vulcans parents were Jupiter and Juno.

is ceres finally trying to take a shot at wynona?

Connor will eat him alive :joy:

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has he been on vh before does he have any people besides wynona or her friend or his _____ friend if not then how on earth did he get an apartment :thinking::joy:

also wynona and connor may have got into an argument off camera because she came back after the opening party upset then again they have gotten into it before so really nothing new :man_shrugging:

You have the answer in more than one post from the above :wink:

Sorry dat ik weer on topic kom , met een vraagje .
Ceres heeft hij al niet een korte relatie gehad met wyonna ?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Inga

You wish…would be fun to watch

Well, it wasn’t exactly what crossed my mind when i made that comment, but i do get your point :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh wow, Ceres and Connor can you imagine (yes obviously you can!!!). :open_mouth: :melting_face:

not that i know of i believe he wants her but she is toying with him and teasing him :joy:

she still wearing her clothes its about to be two days :joy:

Ik zal het wel verkeerd voor hebben , zal Ceres niet geweest zijn .
Is niets van terug tevinden , maar misschien weet John meer ?
Ik weet dat Wyonna bij een andere jongen is geweest , na de ruzie in verband met een telefoon in ken’s appartement .

i don’t think it ever happened on camera :man_shrugging:

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Hello Wynona :hugs: You’re as beautiful as ever :heart:


Sorry, you are not allowed in her knickers, she’d fucking k__l you anyway :laughing:

I’m not willing to take any risks :laughing:

Gotcha !!!

:eyes: :camera_flash: :woman:



If she’s who you say she is (frankly I don’t recognise her at all), one would expect her to know about the cameras, not be staring into them (well this one) as if she has no idea what it is. That facial expression suggests she’s never been on VHTV before…or at least wasn’t expecting to see those funny little rectangular boxes with circles on them.

Yes, she is Wynona without a single doubt.

And no, she didn’t stare at the camera. I will post a vid for you to see that was a fraction of a second when she moved her head, but enough for me to get my “Gotcha” pic :slightly_smiling_face: