Cellphone usage

For God’s sake, what kind of people are they? If they don’t s___p, they’re staring at their cell phones, they can’t have fun otherwise


Welcome to this forum! Also welcome to 2022.

Translation: Finally the fourth monkey. He is the sum of the first three: he does not listen, sees nothing and hears no one.

I don’t understand them either. Even when they have sex, they can’t stop looking at their cell phones.

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Maybe they listen at Tomtom: up, down, up, down, faster, slower… :rofl:

i thought i would hi-jack this thread with something fairly apt -Naked girls, in this case the lovely Medea at Kazantip. … Oh and a phone !

Ariela ‘‘Oh sorry Austin i must just send this text to my boyfriend before we get in the bath.’’

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It’s annoying as hell while watching them have sex, they keep checking their cell phones!

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i think you are showing your age lol

What the hell does age have to do with this? Dumbass comment

Younger people see nothing wrong with consulting theirs phones under all circumstances .

You have no idea what my age is, go sit down somewhere and shut up

Age has everything to do with it and if you don’t realise that then you are generationally blinded and becoming a grumpy old cliche.

Every generation criticises the younger generation and its fads and objects because it doesn’t fit with their own experiences when they were raised as kids.

As to who are to blame, we are, as parents we mollycoddled our kids driving them to schools in our cars, overprotecting them, passing the phone to them when they are babies saying watch TV for five mins while I take a break, giving in to peer pressure at school and buying them the latest ADIDAS, or Apple SmartWatch.

And the most stupid thing out of all this is after years of being driven to school in our big 4x4 cars to school, looking after them with air-conditioning and heating in our homes or whatever luxury things we add, which to be honest we don’t really need; if they dare to stand up and worry about the environment we tell them to stop being so stupid and shut up. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

The next time you criticise this generation, open up your thinking and try and think objectively and ask yourself who is actually to blame. At the age of 46, even I start to think like this but I check myself and stop, not all the time I admit, as I am only human, but I really try to keep objective thinking as my main thought process.

The older generation has always criticised the younger generation thought-out history and will continue to do, because of narrow blinkered thinking. Funny that eh…!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Thank you.

The generation before this came home from work, grabbed the remote and sat in front of the telly all night. Apart from the obvious difference between a television and a telephone, maybe the difference is not that big :thinking:


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The lovely Ariela Again in this thread


I don’t think mobile phone usage is exclusive to VHTV if you go out in public anywhere you’d think it’s a priority in many peoples lives. If everyone posted in here when someone was on the phone I don’t think we’d be able to keep up with the posts. :grin:

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Absolutely true and i wouldn’t have contemplated it if there hadn’t been a beautiful girl holding it.

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People have become severely addicted and slaves under their mobile phones. (I don’t like that stupid American “cell phones”, are they in jail or why that fucking “cell”?) I think the usage of mobile phones should be strictly restricted on VHTV! Maybe it’s impossible, but I’m not paying for to watch people talking on their phones 90% of the time!

But you are paying to be a voyeur and watch ‘real life’ not a chaturbate page where you can pay to have them do certain things. I contributed to this thread because as an old guy i find it amusing that todays ‘‘kids’’ use their phone so much. I don’t have the opportunity to know whether my friends d______rs locally use them as much so i use this site as , both a form of education and amusement. A picture of a naked girl is still a picture of a naked girl even if she does have a phone in her hand .