Carlos & Claire

You can sometimes see the Venus on sky appearing as very “bright star” even without a telecope. But do not confuse with the fast moving “bright star” you sometimes see. That is the International Space Station :joy:

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In our polluted city air it is difficult to see the stars properly. i was in egypt some time ago, in the desert, there you can see the milky way without a telescope and you realize how small and insignificant you are as a human being. the universe with its infinity is fascinating. and that brings us back to the inexplicable, mysterious. but everything is connected, everything influences each other, how do we not know, whether the astrologers know, we do not know. :thinking:

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Knowledgeable, thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Get the app Star Chart on your phone. It is free. When you hold your phone in the air it will show the names of everything you see in the night sky.


I noticed when the full moon, the sea becomes not calm. Scientists say that on a full moon, water is attracted to the moon. Science will always remain a big mystery to me :full_moon:


Okay, I downloaded the app. Very cool :anatomical_heart::white_heart:


I would gladly invite you to watch stars and planets trough my telescope.

Edit: somehow this sounds awkward here on VHTV.

I’m dead serious, got my own telescope and I’m member of the Astronomical Society.

That is actually quite easy to explain. Everything with mass also has gravitation. Now the moon is quite a big thing. Basically a massive rock spinning around earth. It has a lot of gravitation. This gravitation has influence on everything on earth. But you really see it in the oceans. The water on the earths side facing the moon is “sucked” towards it. This is the reason why we have the tides. As the moon rotates around earth in an elliptic orbit the distance from earth to moon varies. Tides are the strongest when the distance is the shortest .

Lesson over :stuck_out_tongue: :kissing_heart:

So you have a big telescope eyh? One of those that expands? :wink:

No realy, Astronomy is also my hobby. Don’t have a telescope though. You must be really exited about the James Webb Space Telescope? Same here. I’m into SETI.


Very interested in Astronomy too :wink:

Porn, Astronomy. We have a lot in common.

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I’m bitting my nails for something could go wrong!

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1200 mm refractor with 90 opening, and sky searcher.

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Almost there! The most difficult hurdles are behind us. Almost at L2.

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Brand? Or handmade? There are people who make their own mirrors and such but nowadays…

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Refractor is hand made. Optics are bough, tube and equatorial mounting diy.

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It’s nothing special.

In the observatory we have a 6 meter refractor. I don’t even know how big the opening is. And a bunch of Newton telescopes.

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Nevertheless… Can you show us your best shot of the moon?

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You got me there. Literally not even one photo is here at home on my computer.

I will try to remember next time we have meeting at society to put some of them to portable ssd. At least some Saturn photos, much much more impressive.

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Ah yes Saturn! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Every solar system should have one.

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