Can we have pictures of all the residents for help in identification

When we have more than one young woman in an apartment it gets very hard to tell which is which especially if your new to VHTV? I hope everyone likes my idea on this as compared to the other ones?

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Already here for a long time: Wiki

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Obviously they all come and go all the time but what I have asked for is a list of all the ones that are involved in the forum that you say we can chat with (more so if we pay) along with the profile name

Where would we send pictures if we have ones better than what is in the WIKI? Some of them are not good.

Might be good to put a button on the main page that points to Wiki.

In every page of the forum you can click (on top of the page) The VHTV logo


and you will be redirected to the main page where wiki is listed :slight_smile:

i know … they are 2 clicks and not only 1, but …

Last tip … In wiki places are ordered by number of realm: once you click on the place you want (in my example i clicked on Alan and Nina appartament) you will find the number of realm in the address box of your browser image

You can send them to me but the Wiki is not there to show the best or hottest pics of them. It is photos to indentify who is who.

I meant the people that live in the apartments (the residents), the men & women that live there. It’s not so bad if there is only a man & woman, but two women? Who’s who? Two couples, that’s even worse. Some of you might not have a problem. But for me, I have always been bad with names. As for where to keep them on the site, of course, it doesn’t make any difference where all we need is a link to their name & pictures.

Dude. Didn’t you read my reply here? What is so hard to go there and take a look? :roll_eyes:

I never said one word about the forum. If they don’t want to show their picture, that’s there right.

Yeah so did I. That was not about you. I was not really talking to you or responding to that. I was reminding these people that run the site of a request I made a while back

I have no idea what your talking about. I never said anything like that. What I said is to be able to leave messages only for the residents (the people that live in the apartments). Not talk to them.

The management would never let us talk to them. Because then you would be asking them to do things. A****nd that is not allowed. What they do is their own choice. No one ever tells them what to do. If they want to do certain things like party’s, they tell management so that we will know.

You asked about photos of them so you can know who is who. I posted a link for you. Where is your problem?

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He does not seem to be the brightest bulb in the box, try typing slower for him :yum:

IMO it could be an idea to set up a topic on the forum so if there are better images then all who can edit wiki can change the pics if they seem better, but if a picture is posted then it would be best to leave the name and realm that person belongs too.

I had hoped that VHTV would do that for us. They already have the pics & can add them when they go online. No one knows better than the correct names. Say a new apartment goes online with to women, we won’t know who is who, But they do.

Did you even read what I wrote here? :point_down:

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what about adding tenant face pics next to the apartment map?

Bad idea. Makes the map even smaller…