Black & Peace

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New or former you know @Sparkles ?

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Inhale? Really? That means “Breathe in” :joy: :rofl:

Just when you think names can’t get any more silly

Should this be the name of a participant or a new sex practice?:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Loool I asked myself the same :rofl:

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Amazing view :rofl: :man_facepalming:

She might as well be exhale and give us all a good laugh😊

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No sorry he should be exhale☹️

I did a ticket about the shower view…

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Not even Wikipedia knows that name :rofl:

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I’m guessing blonde is Inhale? And the pretty shower girl a guest. Messed up names for sure :joy:

When people are named after body functions here we can name her “Swallow” :rofl: :rofl:

@jabbath1987 . I thought Mr. S__tty cams retired lol :laughing: Too funny… And those names ha ha I think him& Hugh the creepy grampa should live together be butt buddies :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The brunette (supposedly the guest) is a porno girl, Rejolda “friend” in some movies and guest in the past at Candy Red place (with other tenants at time). Depending on sites she have different names but the most common is Camilla

The guy probably was also a guest at kirill “parties”, indeed this is their ex-realm number (and rejolda one)


Okay so we can use her porn name?

Oopsie I replied before you edited and added her name :wink:

Vhtv at it’s best :upside_down_face:

They are just normal people like you and me … :upside_down_face:

Well pick one from Camilla, Camille, Katja, Kami, Dennis (She also use Kamilla but there is already one as tenant from same crew) :grin:

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