Best cumshot

Who has the best cumshot in vhtv history

I haven’t seen many since I normally prefer watching girl/girl action, but one that I did see that was impressive was when Charlize let her crazy, lazy boyfriend and the guy that lived there, do her. The guy that lived there finished off while on his back and painted the wall above the headboards, himself, and had a little bit on Charlize too. Wow! Where did this topic come from? I’d finished my note thinking that it was a new topic and I see that it’s five months old.

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Is this video in the archives.

Not that I know of. I just happened to watch it live. Charlize was one of my favorite ladies. I could never understand how or why she tolerated that jerk that she was with. She would regularly have to treat him as if he was some sort of c___d in need of correction when he’d be completely out of line with a visitor or especially obnoxious.

Oh yeah… part of the reason that I liked her so much is that she truly had a pleasing personality. She appeared happy almost all of the time. Actually, I can’t recall when she appeared unhappy although she did seem concerned and upset when jerk and his friend f___ed themselves on that one poor hooker that they brought in for the evening.

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For me Bart has the best cumshoots I watch in VH. There are some of him cumming over Isa in the archives.


Yep Bart was first to come to mind for me too

I thought of Bart too!!! Patrik also had the tendency to shoot with distance also- he was one of my favorites.