




Say Thank you what Terka agreed to do show in front of this camera
and not for you (because she is not paid for it)
for a permanent visitor to your site


Bella, it was a kind and polite request. One which I did not take to support.

It doesn’t matter who is doing what in front of the cameras. Guests are allowed to do what they want, except, as I’m sure you are well aware by now, they are not allowed to block, move or cover the cameras in any way. No one is allowed to do that.

And, I already said thanks to you both in the very first sentence of my previous post. Here it is once again.

“I think you and Terka do a great job.”

I also expressed my gratitude again in the last sentence.

“Keep up the good work.”

“Thanks” are not always expressed by the word “thanks”.


no one covered anything. We did job
If you don’t like something. We will no longer invite guests here
Terka also :slightly_smiling_face:


A guest covered the cams in the living room a couple of days ago. You even addressed the situation in a post to us viewers.

I, on the other hand, never said you covered anything. I said the view through the camera was obscured by the laptop. The picture I posted clearly showed that.

As I’ve said, I really like you and Terka. I have no wish or desire to get into a pissing match with you.

This is very easy. The bottom line is, no one is allowed to move, block or cover the cameras no matter how it’s done, or who does it. Your guests should be made aware of that when they visit.

If they choose not to be on camera, they can choose to leave, or you can make arrangements to have the cameras turned off while they’re visiting.

Of course, if the cameras are off, you earn no income because your income is tied directly to the number of views you get through the cameras.

If the cameras are obscured, you can also be fined for that.

As I’ve said, Bella, I think you guys are great. I’m only trying to help you. You’re here to earn an income. You can’t do that if the cameras are off, or if you’re being fined for some reason.


You do not understand what he means. He asked politely to not block the camera with your laptop. (Which is not allowed. He is right saying that) He praised you and just wanted to show you a way for improvement.
I don’t see any reason for that harsh reaction and if you threaten to no longer invite any guests this is, sorry to say, shooting yourself in the foot as no guests mean less views and therefore less money.

So before attacking viewers you should think about what they really meant. :wink:


Well said. And instead reacting so harsh she should be grateful for the help you provide to her.


@Belladona verplaats die tafel gewoon waar de laptop op staat , en probleem is opgelost .
Is dat nu zo moeilijk


It was actually on the bed when I asked her to move it. But, either way, the issue is the same.


Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
:rofl: :rofl:

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You dont need to explain anything to anyone live your life according to you thats how voyeur site works if u listen and do what viewers wants than there will be no difference between you and other scripted realms… people’s comments here change like a season and they just wanna ruin normal realms… :rofl: just enjoy your life and be happy… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Not trying to take any side here but as far as I recollect watching the scene in question live, Terka was not intentionally hiding behind the laptop from the voyeur cam. Instead, I understand it was a close up shot of her genitalia that was being offered to a paying customer on their camsite.

I understand VHTV rules but then, I don’t feel it was intentional to hide from the voyeurcam at all. There were other voyeur cams in the room and obviously if her intention was to hide or block them, we couldn’t have seen anything. Since that is not the case, I feel Terka or Belladonna have not done anything wrong here.


thank you
This is me and tried to say
If you want to see a large plan then you should go to us on a stream :heart:


If she were hiding, we wouldn’t have gotten to see this at all.


No matter what, you ladies are a fun and lovely duo. Keep doing what you do best. We love watching you :heart:


And a pair of very pretty pussies they are to :heart:


But, you sure succeeded in doing so with flying colors. :laughing: :laughing: It’s not about intentions, and no one said she intentionally did anything anyway, or was hiding.

Cameras are accidentally blocked all the time; a blowing curtain, someone not aware they’re standing in front of a camera, etc.

The point is, the viewers were unable to see what the camera was supposed to show them, without having to go to another site to see what was supposed to be seen on VHTV.

And, what about the paying customers on VHTV? The primary site. Camming is just a side hustle. VHTV is her main job.

I don’t know why this needs to be said so many times. Blocking, covering, moving the cameras by anyone, no matter the reason, is not allowed, is against the rules. It’s just that simple.