Before I pay for another 30 days Subscription, can anyone tell me if anyone is ON? at the moment? and wearing a pad? Sanitary Napkin?

I understand that part. I think he/she just wanted a little help finding the ones currently on their periods.

There’s a subreddit on Reddit called, Nostupidquestions, which, I believe, means only questions without answers.

I believe Jabba called it stupid because he has no interest or any attraction to that subject and can’t imagine why anyone else would, which is wrong and unfair, especially to call it stupid.

Calling a question “stupid” is, by extension, calling the person stupid, which is rude and insulting.

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“Heil, mein Führer!” , the guy just asked a question and you shut him down with your size 9 jackboots lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:SIEG HEIL !!!

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What’d I tell 'ya?
:roll_eyes: :pensive: :neutral_face:

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No I called it stupid because he asks for a 30 day subscription and in that time every girl but Queen will have her period. That’s why the question is stupid.

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NOW NOW bitches , put your handbags away , youve all had your say :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You called it stupid because of this. I also prefer to see pussy uncovered with nothing blocking it, but I’m not going to call someone stupid because they asked about something I’m not interested in.

Or, as Laz put it, shut him down by stepping on him with my size 9 jackboots. You insulted Erin because you don’t care for what he’s interested in. You said it yourself.

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I didn’t insult him. I called his question stupid and not himself

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Calling a question “stupid” is, by extension, calling the person stupid, which is rude and insulting. There’s no difference between the question and the person asking it. The person asked the question. They are one and the same.

Your words have meanings beyond what’s written on the page.

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ok can see this isnt going to end anytime soon ,so may aswell make some money from it , odds of 2/1 for naming the winner ,
jabbs in the blue
letsdothis in the red

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The luckiest ones won’t :pregnant_woman:

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Why? What I said was accurate and correct. He even admitted he doesn’t “…care about that s__t.”

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was just joking m8

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2/1 ??? or can you do better :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Maybe later! I’ve got bad neighbors :melting_face:


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where was that? Which apartment?


B___dy heck, just read this whole thread, it hurt my brain… Is OP in a PADded cell now?