
Just a little fun on names - fairly harmless and you may not even find it amusing. I guess there are a lot of things you don’t find amusing , if my additional fun is important to you ?

As it happens i don’t think he is mocking the guests, i think he is mocking all those people who regularly get his name wrong. But then what do i know ? i have no mind of my own .

Bonobos have the highest occurrences of homosexuality in the ape world. So I am annoyed at his use of the word in mentioning a guest. Your reply containing “boo bo” is questionable, but I noticed you Parrot the Moments Operator’s statements casting shade on all +7 apts. You follow him & humor him. Why ?

Quite interesting fact. Seems they are mostly lesbians and like orgies :stuck_out_tongue: :joy::

Roughly 60% of all bonobo sexual activity occurs between two or more females. While the homosexual bonding system in bonobos represents the highest frequency of homosexuality known in any primate species , homosexuality has been reported for all great apes, as well as a number of other primate species.

Wherever these people live seems pretty dangerous. The guy who looks like Spud from Trainspotting has bandages on his eye and his lip. Looks to me like someone tuned him up pretty good. Plus there’s the one guy who got banned from the +7 world for the fight at Barbara’s and then once he turned up at Artem’s that realm went away. I dont know but it seems like theres a dangerous element around them.

You two are very sexy!

Barbara’s Pair are awesome. even in the light… Keepers Bono got _____ again today and repainted their Bathroom toilet. out on the bed sideways… Like that uncle fred you can’t seem to get rid of…haha :boom:Bono for President​:joy::rofl::joy::rofl::open_mouth::open_mouth::crazy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face:

I love you too Barbara. .You are scary sexy…


Yes just don’t get burned lol :joy:

The thug who got “banned” has just turned up at Adil’s… :rage:

When there is light, what happens ?, nothing Here is Vhtv’s shy set

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Barbara shares her Intimacy w Guest Guy who got beat up. submitted to archives

on a lighter note: Maybe I could stop in & Barb could massage my arm while I straighten my fingers in her uh, thingy for a while. :kissing_closed_eyes:

Wow firstly i have never mentioned Bonobos - i have never before heard of an ape variety called such so certainly did not use it to dscribe a participant- or anybody else. Secondly i used the word boob-o which is my (humorous?) comment on this very vhtv and their ( our? ) concentration on boobs (spelt in such a way that it carried on from the joke about BOBO/BONO . ( wow aren’t jokes less funny when you have to explain them. Thirdly i am not sure how making a joke about word play BOBO/BONO casts a shadow over all +7 apartments. Without looking them up i could not even tell you which ones they are. And finally i follow nor humour any one particular person in this or any other thread. I simply read the words and react to them I am looking forward to reading and reactint to the apology

on a lighter note: Maybe I could stop in & Barb could massage my arm while I straighten my fingers in her uh, thingy for a while. [/quote]

If thats a lighter note i would hate to read a strong one .

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That makes no sense, either. He kicked the hell out of Mr. Crusty for being gay but hangs out with Adil? It really makes me wonder what his actual relationship to these people is. Because it seems unlikely that they are really friends.


2 beautiful girls :heart::heart_eyes:

Beautiful and sexy devils! :smiling_imp:

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Thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wow, wordy…jabbath1987 (must be spelled right) making fun by comparing humans to Apes is never acceptable, it’s racism remnants that must be quashed, you were trying to add to it.

Fingering Women is normal, acceptable, and Natural. We’re here to enjoy it, learn how to do it better, and hope we see more. Nothing wrong with that.
Dear Wolfie, I have a solution. Blip…

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Kinda glad the kicked the Bono and car wreck out for a girls day. maybe import a new supply of boys soon… Get those girl smells back in there for now.