Bad treatment of women

Heh there , is there any chance to avoid that women are beaten by the men? I just saw that happen. And when that gets official to help?

What apartment? Violence is not supposed to be tolerated by VHTV.

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Black and Peace

he through her on the bed and strangled her. He was shouting anthing with “Contract”?

I saw that, he slapped her, not hard but nevertheless a slap. real men do not do that. The verbal a___e was not good.

he through her on the bed and strangled her

Wow that’s out of order…!!!

I see that, that was horrible to watch.

@jabbath1987 @Sparkles @kaya need help

And he spit her in the face. What a bastard!

He was calling her a bitch and grabbed her face f_____g her down by the throat and then spat on her, tiny little prick of a man.

THis is called project, correct? Are there any reaction planned when one of these things are happen?

I just reported it to support

Support, @VHTV_James @VHTV_CEO Is this type of behaviour (timeline shown in photos and video acceptable behaviour by tenants. I cannot understand the language so have no idea what the fight was about but a man doing this to a woman or vice versa is totally unacceptable.

he needs to be gone now! He’s a useless waist of space hitting a woman!!

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Good that you did that but I would like a response on the public forum so it can be discussed in an adult manner. Not a vague email.

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Although I slightly agree with you it needs action now not discussion.

@VHTV_James kick that woman beaten piece of s__t off the project

I am pretty sure they will react as there isa no violence policy.

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Spitting at someone is disgusting. Never mind the rest !

Okay I take that back as you have a lot more experience than me as I am totally shocked and disgusted with their reply.

Alex Fort posted 12/12/2021 8:23 PM

Good day! We reported the problem and will work on fixing it as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconveniences caused. Thanks for understanding!

My reply: You do understand this woman is in danger, don’t you? What on earth kind of response is that?