Automatic image gallery conversion feature no longer working?

I wonder if this is no longer working? Especially when @ToreyK sometimes posts 20 or even more photos in one post which makes it quite annoying to scroll down to get to next post. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No Torey said he prefers it that way because the pictures are bigger, remember he’s not the brightest :grin:

So how does he get around the system?

blank line at least every 2 pictures. from the 3rd without a blank line it becomes a gallery

Don’t ask me it’s him that’s doing it :man_shrugging:

Lol I do not think this is intended to work that way… :+1:

occasionally I also want the whole picture on purpose, so I figured out how to do it. whether it’s meant to be or not…at least that’s how it works

It works that way just put gap after every 2 pics….:sweat_smile:

Well I do not think it should be that way…

the forum has a few functions that are not really clearly recognizable.
new line without blank line in between? just 2 spaces behind the end of the upper line…

that with the pictures is just another strange function

He’s been asked by multiple people, multiple times and nothing has changed but obviously he is free to post how he likes

Yeah we can’t f___e him.

Yeah I know that. :+1: