Astrid & Guido

Hes a good example of “any normal visitor should be when staying with friends”

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now like Malkus that been up 26 hours now , will s___p in HIS bed , and no TV for Astrid ,it will be to load for them s___ping

You have to remember that Astrid is a very strong minded young woman so if she wants to achieve something, she most certainly will, despite the negative influences you keep implying there are, from the others in the apartment. It really isn’t the kind problem you would try to have people believe!

Astrid, Guido and Malkus seem to have a living arrangement that works. If it didn’t, well quite obviously, someone there would have put a stop to it by now, wouldn’t they? :slight_smile:

Astrid argue with Guido every morning now ,it does help he addict on the computer and phone to play gaming its very sad ,it was a great apartment, I understand you David but look at the pic of her not more laugh like before when she is by her self Aderyn does not stay there long no more because there always s___ping

it has never been a fantastic apartment they have a super boring life … now they don’t even know what day anymore and they are armored at home and never go out (but where they live in the desert) …


this is the bulls__t that flora taught him …


Malkus never puts down his phone ,its just like ,I have to do this lol

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Слишком жарко

nice to see you having fun Astrid

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Don’t forget that it was Lola that taught Flora all her tricks, but at least Lola would fuck the guys too. :sweat_smile:

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Plus de nouvelles de Lola et Otto.

Astrid proving that women can multi task! :joy: Malkus and Aderyn could they? Would they? :thinking:




Can we get this one saved?


That was great fun to watch! :slight_smile:

did he fuck her?

That’s Aderyn and Guido (both guys) and no he didn’t.

Does Aderyn fucked any girl from VH, or he acts just like a “sex supporting role”?

I haven’t seen him doing so with any (current) participant but he certainly has done with more than one of the females, visiting Yan and Flora’s apartment.