
Really interesting where VHTV gets the wrong info from. This is not the first time this happens.

It doesn’t matter, anyway nothing happens so not missing anything lol

I’m REALLY surprised more of you have not voted for this masterpiece @stanley submitted to the new Best Butts competition. Casting a vote is done by giving an emoji reaction to Stanley’s original post. There is always so many complaints about not enough “guy” content on VHTV. If you want more guy content you need to show VHTV by voting for it!

:peach: :fire: :fire:

I would defend to the death your right to jump to the wrong conclusions :grin:

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I would prefer San and one or two girls to party with the boys more often

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You are not alone here but I am sure they will get there eventually. There is probably a good reason for it but as they don’t communicate we are no wiser.

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Looks a bit under the weather?

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If you look at the picture below your comment. There is definitely something above the weather!


Artem’s cock is so beautiful.


Stanely will you be having sausage for dinner tonight?

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I was looking at a big juicy sausage earlier, but my frying pan isn’t big enough.

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Offline again… :rage:

he is proud of his cock! :heart_eyes:

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Careful, I think Luketto is about to flounce off again.
Warning Sign GIF

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Yes, I think (and hope) he is.
I think I would be, if I were in his position of having one like that. :slight_smile:

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The more I see the more convinced I am that our duo is suffering from lack of cash. This will take time to rectify. At least they will know that they have a loyal following here but they can’t be getting many clicks.

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