
Offline ISP issues.

Enjoy real life my friend.

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Voyeurism in Voyeur house is not real life my friend

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But maybe its nearer to real life here than a lot of other realms.

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Voyeurism in Voyeur House is not voyeurism. It’s a pseudo form of voyeurism that is closer to real life. True voyeurism happens when the people being watched have no idea they are being watched.


like @letsdothis said, Voyeur-house is not like classic reality show. Every realms, appartements, and people have a deal. It’ interesting to discover life, habits, way of life but like in this case it’s maybe sad to not have more. It’s just a fact more than a critic

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This is criminal

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Don’t forget that they are only house sitting while Ariela & Sebastian are away from the apartment. We can’t expect any sexual activity until they are comfortable in their new surroundings which are probably out of their comfort zone.


She has been there before. This is not her first time she was almost going to have sex with.Seb but I think his third leg was too much for her so she backed out of that she was close to having sex with. We’ll on the couch one day they need a lot of kissing and fondling and that’s about it and she’s taking showers over there

Thank you for pointing out that she has been a guest before which puts my theory into the dustbin :+1:

He is a very hot guy.

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Yes, that’s the only thing close to Sex she has done and probably will ever do sad to say



Oh wow let me shut my mouth lol

Let hope they get more comfortable.

She has been wearing pads last few days