


Who is this girl? No sex with her?

Hope Seb and Ariela are having a great vacation but surprised no smiling photos like they used to put up

jawel ze heeft al sex hier gehad

I don’t remember…is there any video in the archives?

Niet te vinden in archieven .
Ik geloof zelfs dat het met Will was als ik mij niet vergis

If it was with will it was only a bit of groping on his part as i think she was more into Ariella.

@Sebastian how are you? surely you are having a good time …enjoy your vacation cheerfully … :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :hugs: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I know this might sound strange but I’d like to see the guest girl laughing…she always seems angry to me…



did you get your nails done Seb?


I don’t know if they are on holiday together. Someone mentioned that Seb will be at his home, with his d______r?

Or I misunderstood something :thinking:

Looks like a family room. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

It could also be a Hostel?

We are guessing too much, they will tell us if they want to :slightly_smiling_face:

What’s her name?

forget that stupid theory… that just came from a troll
I know they are on vacation together. however, they are not alone. but the hand with the painted nails looks… too old for the person i know is there. so I hope that the hand belongs to someone else :wink:
so i can’t solve this riddle either

Ah, I see. Thank you for the information. I thought I saw it somewhere, but I didn’t bother whether it was a joke or for real.

Beautiul pics of Ariela :heart_eyes:

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Da weiß “Mann” warum man vhtv aboniert. Oder?
Beide fehlen doch sehr. Bis bald.

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